Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The thing I think that is missing from my life would have to be definitely free time. The thing that I lack is probably being able to care about other peoples problems or even pretending to care because that is important. The biggest obstacle I will ever face is probably going to be leaving home to go to college just because St. Helens is pretty much all I know and where the people I know are so I will have to meet knew people and learn about the town which is sort of frightening to think about.


My favorite part of spring is just that usually it means some days where it isn't raining but so far since spring has started it has rained every day. The thing that shows me that spring has started is when I go outside and it is warmer outside than inside. My favorite season is winter because I like the cold more than the heat and it is the time of the year where my allergies aren't bugging the crap out of me.


What is missing from my life? Hmmm...actually I am lacking a mode of transportation right now but this is due to the fact that I am currently in driver's education....-_- I cannot express in words how happy I will be when I no longer have to get up early in the morning and go to the class I abhor the most of all...nope no words.
What do I lack as a person? Hmm...I think I lack motivation sometimes...if the subject doesnt excite me its hard to make me do it right away, but I will do it...eventually...I think I also lack a true understanding of what i want to do with my life...yes I'm going to college but for what I don't really know. Sometimes people just automatically know what they are going to do with their life, but I don't. It's hard you know? I would give anything to do what I love all day but allas art does not put food on the table...well at least the art I love to do doesn't. So I have to find something else hmm most likely it will bee in science because that is my second favorite subject, but what in science? Sigh
My biggest obstacle...I don't think I really have one...well not one that I feel like sharing with the class at least...then again probably no one is reading this...but oh well I don't feel like anyways probably my smallest biggest obstacle is that sometimes I don't care enough...or something along those lines...hmm maybe that sometimes I over think things alot. Well anywho yep thats that.

Monday, March 29, 2010


FIRST off #.......#sports
So for sports the only ones I really enjoy are snowboarding and skating. All other sports can suck it.

Favorite song - The Man Who Sold the World covered by Nirvana because it's Nirvana and It's a pretty amazing cover OR Escape from Hellview by CKY because it was the first song I heard by them

Favorite band - NIRVANA because Kurt Cobain was fucking amazing. He is my favorite artist of all time.

Favorite Genre - Punk because I love the randomness and crazy ass lyric and energy from the songs.

Oh man I looooove this one. SO anyway I guess i'm in the FuckinCrazyHeroinDruggy click..... Haha ive been asked if I do COCAINE!!! But it's kinda my fault because when ever people ask me I just love to feed it. Who cares what they think right?

What makes me think spring is here is when Spring Break finally arrives. MY favorite season is Winter.

Missing life
Whats missing from my life? Me being in a band. What obstacle am I going to have to overcome in life? Most likely...... I dont know.

!42! Topic #8: Sorely Lacking

For this week's blog, which will be sharing space with last week's blog, here's what I'm wondering:

What is missing from your life?

What do you yourself lack?

What do you think is the biggest obstacle you deal with, or will have to deal with in the future?  (This has to be something present, not something lacking -- you already said what you are lacking.)  Explain why you think this is, or will be, an obstacle

Any of these responses can be tangible, intangible, abstract, concrete, anything that comes to mind (As in, what is missing from my life is a PlayStation 3.  What I lack is the patience and foresight to save money.  My biggest obstacle is this foolhardy, superficial society we live in.  Either that or freakin' teenagers.).  They can NOT all be the same thing (As in, what is missing from my life is a car.  What I myself lack is the ability to drive.  The biggest obstacle is my lack of a car, which is an obstacle because it means I can't drive places.)  Show some imagination and consideration, please.

Responses due by midnight Sunday.  Or would that be Monday?  How about by 11:59 pm, Sunday night.

!42! Topic #7: Spring Is Sprung

Dangit!  I'm very sorry that I never got the topic up on this blog; I did have it on the other class's blog, and some of you have already written about it.  If you haven't yet, here is Topic #7:

This week [Well, actually, the week before last, but who's counting?  Shut up.  Stop counting.], we are moving into REAL springtime. The time has advanced, the Vernal Equinox is this weekend, next week is Spring Break.
So let's talk about it.
What is your favorite part of spring? What moment shows YOU that spring has arrived?
Which is your favorite season? Why?

Since I never got this topic up until after it was due, we will extend the due date on #7 for a week.  Responses to this and Topic #8 are due by next Sunday, Midnight -- that would be Easter Sunday.  I will also post Topic #8 in a minute or two, and that one will be due at the same time.  Feel free to put them both together, but for the sake of parallelism, I'm going to separate the two topics.
As always, feel free to post any other conversation you'd like to have, particularly anything about the book.


Since everyone is writing about spring i figure that I might as well do so myself. I personally like spring, especially the later months of it. There is a certain smell in the air which to me means spring and is probably my favorite scent which could never be replicated in a perfume bottle as it is the essence of freshness and no perfume is fresh. I also love the feeling of antisipation and I have always felt that spring is the epitomy of antisipation. I often prefer looking forward to something more than I actually enjoy experiencing it. Spring is the antisipation of no school, sun, fun times, being aloud to spend more time with frieds. Spring is the antisipation of freedom which never tastes quite as good as it looks.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hummmm so i dont know if in fact we're writing about spring, but i will anyways =)

I love spring because I am a Florida girl - I lived there for 11 years. And every spring my mom and dad would buy lady bugs and praying mantuses. They would let the lady bugs crawl all over me, and we would watch the praying mantuses hatch out of the huge egg. Also, it was really fun to explore around my house and find new lizard eggs and bird eggs and such like that, and fun to climb on the trees that were finally in bloom. Sigh I miss old times :)

PS - sorry for my horrid grammar, I'm realllyyyy tired.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm not sure what we are supposed to be writing about, but I assume it has to do with Spring considering others are writing about it. So lets see, what is good about Spring? Kinda rainy, kinda cloudy, kinda dreery...Kinda just...Not summer. However, my birthday is always during Spring Break, so thats a plus (: The only real positive I think that comes with Spring is the fact that Summer is only Months away...WAHOOO!

Cliques: A high school nightmare

This is really late, but oh well, for me cliques are a very stupid waste of time. I don't think I am part of a clique because I like to spend time with all sorts of people. I am not sure what people think about me but I have to guesses, and I think people either think of me as a "goody goody" or a bitch. Now I know some people may be confused about the second one, but some people i know think that about me, and i know it becasue I am very opinionated, not necessarily against people but just in general. and if i am in one of my moods or i am working on something, and you bother me I am most likely not going to give you the time of day. For the goody goody, i don't think I am one, yeah I like to get good grades and do really good on stuff and add a little extra to my work, but that is just me in the classroom, outside of that I do crazy stuff, and have fun, i just do it outside of school so it doesnt hurt my future. I don't think people can be accurate about me at all, no matter what they think because I don't put out everything I am, and it wouldn't matter because people are going to think what they want to and you can't always change that. I am not really hurt or harmed in anyway of stereotypes because if you don't like me or think of me badly then that's your problem, I will just surround myself with people who do actually like me and want to be arround me. I don't want to waste my time worrying what other people think of me.
Now I do stereotype other people, but not by gender or race, but the way people act and the way they look. I don' tthink the way I stereotype is harmful because I don't usually express those to other people I just kind of keep them to myself and that is my personal opinion of that person or group.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring is the season

Mr. Humphrey where is our post? o.0
I can tell it is spring when the day gets longer and the air warms up. When the flowers spring into bloom, when my seasonal allergies kick in, and when it can rain outside and still be sunny and warm.
My favorite season actually is spring even though I get horrible allergies. I love it. Everything is coming back to life from the long cold hard winter. I like it because it gives me hope that the winter wont last forever. Spring is a season of hope, and that is why it's my favorite. It also lets me know that school is almost over and soon I'll be able to actually have a good sleeping pattern in the summer which is my second favorite season. So that's my take on spring.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I think Mr. Humphrey forgot to post the topic for the blog on our blog, but I looked on the other blog and found it and am going to write about it.
Spring. The main reason that I like spring is because the next season is summer. It's not really warm enough to be outside all the time, but it's still sunny, so you feel guilty about being inside. There's really no way to win with it. I know that it's spring when it's sunny, and there are flowers. My favorite season is summer, because it's warm, and everything sort of feels like it's going to work. I love the way that summer smells, too. My favorite thing to do is to leave all of my blankets in the sun, after I've washed them, and then putting them on my bed, and it smelling all yummy and stuff. I really like the sunsets, too.

Friday, March 19, 2010

#6, and #'s 3,4,5 right side up...

Favorite movie of all time: probably the first pirates of the Caribbean, just a good all around movie. Not to bad acting, funny parts, action, just seems to have it all.
Best movie in the last month or two: Probably ROAM, its a mountain bike movie, i'm guessing you wouldn't know.
Best Action flick: Law abiding citizen, awesome movie, love the premis and how it all fits together... great movie
Romantic flick: A serious man, not really a chick flick but the closest i could come.
Quote: First one that comes to mind: "we have him locked up and he's still killing people"
Guilty pleasure: none, i am ashamed of no movie i watch, why would i be?

As an avid sports player, it would be hard for me to diss on sports at all. I can say from experence that they have brought me up with most of the friends i hang out with today. I cant even imagine my life, and what it would be shaped like without them. I do 3 sports a year not counting the many things i do on my own. I snowboard, wake board, dirt bike, mountain bike, you name it ive probably tried it. My life really only consists of school and sports, not much time for anything else. So i think sports are an amazingly wonderful thing that every kid should at least have the chance to participate in. Its not for everybody but i think if you can you should at least try and make an effort. As for famous sports like the nfl and Olympics, in my opinion it becomes less and less about the athlete and more and more about the product. At that level sports lose their appeal to me. I didn't even know the teams playing for the super bowl until the night of. The olympics are an amazing event, for everything they have wrong with them from corruption to deaths, it is a true chance for the nations of the world to come together and become one. A true cooperation of the world is a rare event and sports brought it all together.

Oh man Favorite song, your really putting us on the spot. I couldn't say i have a single favorite, a current fav for me is MK ultra by Muse, but i swear it changes on a day to day basis. I go through almost phases of music genes, like in middle school i like rap, can you believe it, but now im much more into alternative and punk. and in between came a techo/dance fad. its more what suites me and how life is going.

I think that i belong to the "Non-popular sport," clique. I almost try and stay away from the big sports, like football. Almost all of my friends either do soccer, which is completely shadowed over by football in the fall, swimming which is shadowed by basketball, even though we had people go to state, cross country, football again even though they were district champs. The one sport i do do that is really "popular," would be track, but even then i find myself gravitating toward pole vault, which last year there were only 3 people doing it including me, by far the least of any event. I love to mountain bike ride, and only know of 3 people with bikes that are willing to go besides me in the entire school, We own stand up jet skis that have become like an obsession for me trying to find time after school to go out. I Doubt anyone who reads this will ever even see another, let alone ride it other than at my house.
stereotypes as a whole are bad, but unfortunately i find that they are right most of the time. thats why it's a stereotype. The jocks, are jocks, and the skaters are skaters, some might not be sure but as a whole i think most do, thats why they are stereotyped. But before you make any judgments on a single person, find out what they do, because everyone is a little different than their stereotype.

Monday, March 15, 2010

topics 4 and 6

I'd like to start by saying that i dont not know how i did 5 without noticing 4 but anyways, here we go:

Topic 4: Hate to disagree with ya Mr. H but i think sports are a good thing throughout life i dont understand how you think that there is no cooperation in sports, they do teach you how to work as a team when i play on the offensive line in football we all have to know what each other are going to do and if we dont then someones going to get hurt(running back). and also all football is is thinking you have to figure out what the person across from you is going to do. you have to know where they want to be. you have to be in there head and one step faster then them.
as far as pro athletes and and college athletes go they get ridiculous and egotistical and don't realize how lucky they are to get payed millions of dollars to play a damn game!

Topic 5: id say i tend to put alot of people on stereotypical groups but hey thats highschool haha you tend to be grouped by the people you hangout with which affects the way you dress and act.

Humphrey's Posts

All right, since Tyler Stewart asked where my posts were -- and since I'm currently too irate to grade vocab tests, and irate enough to be honest -- here we go.

First, my opinion on sports.  I think this country would be better off with more cooperation and less competition, and I think sports teach almost nothing but competition.  They teach you to desire victory over the enemy; they teach you contempt for those who are not as capable -- especially if it someone on your team who is holding you back -- and they teach you to push yourself to be The Best.  Not one of a team, not part of a group -- The Best You Can Be.  So that, in the rarest and most extreme cases, YOU can be the one with the millions of dollars, the endorsement deals, and the apparent immunity from the law that so many professional athletes enjoy.  Oh -- and the top college athletes, too.  The Oregon quarterback pleads guilty to burglary, and he gets suspended for a year?  Excuse me?  Where's the jail time?  Where's the probation?  And at the very least, why does he ever get to play again at all?  Oh, that's right: because Michael Vick is back in the NFL.  Athletes should be glad that Shoeless Joe Jackson is dead -- and they should fear Pete Rose.  But they certanly don't need to fear the American people, because we'll just keep on lying down and showing them our bellies; professional athletes are the alpha dogs, and we are their b#$%hes.

What else about sports?  Oh right: they take up far too much money and time -- do you know how much this country spends on maintaining freaking golf courses?  How much water gets sprayed on them so that people can whack a ball with a stick? -- away from pursuits that are much, much better for you, pursuits that develop your skills,your body, AND your mind, which no sport on Earth does.  Sports teach you to practice the same movement over and over and over again until it becomes automatic -- the entire goal of sports is to eliminate the need to think about what you're doing.  Now, there is a sort of Zen beauty to that, which is the real positive side of sports; but that can be accomplished in so many other ways that sports aren't worth the downside.  And as for exercise?  Oh, please.  Sports are bad for your body.  Long-term athletes end up little better than crippled from all of the injuries -- other than the ones who have career-ending injuries, or simply end up dead (rare, but not unheard of -- and when was the last time someone was killed by reading a book?).  Staying in shape is a good thing, but sports don't do that.  They may offer a motivation for getting in shape, but it's the running, the training, and the weight-lifting that really get you in shape, and you could do those without sports.

Not to mention the fact that jocks are jerks.  And no, not everybody who plays sports is a jock, by any means -- but those who are, are jerks.  I have known almost no exceptions to this, and I've been around high school athletes as long as you people have been alive.  Professional athletes are probably different; college athletes often are.  But then again, maybe they're just bigger jerks.

Right: now on to my favorite music.
My favorite song is either "Opiate," by Tool, or "Little Wing," by Jimi Hendrix and remade by Stevie Ray Vaughan.  There are hundreds of other songs which I like almost as much, of course, but those two are the greatest.  Some of my other favorites are "Lachrymosa," from Mozart's Requiem, and "What a Wonderful World," by Louis Armstrong -- especially the Over The Rainbow remix by Izzy (Hawaiian last name I can't remember.), and others.

My favorite band is Tool, though I also have to give props to The Mighty Mighty Boss-Tones, the plaidest band in the world.  My favorite single musical artist is Chris Cornell, because I love Soundgarden, AND Audioslave, AND his solo work -- great singer, fantastic song writer, brilliant man.

My favorite genre of music is grunge/heavy metal -- meaning Metallica, Megadeth, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Staind, Godsmack, Shinedown, and occasionally some older metal like Iron Maiden.  I hate both death-metal screaming and high-pitched wailing, though, so I don't particularly like Dio or Children of Bodom or their ilk.  I love all good music, though, particularly music with good singing, since I'm a singer.  I do like rap, though it has to be really, really good rap; I like some country music but not much -- I don't like the Southern twang in the vocals, so it has to be country with less of an accent for me to enjoy it.  I like Johnny Cash, for instance -- though Nine Inch Nails did a much better version of "Hurt," in my opinion.  That's a great song, too.

Lastly: my clique?  I'm halfway between a rocker and a nerd.  I look like a rocker -- or maybe an angry loner with a gun under his overcoat, but y'know, to-may-to, to-mah-to -- but I think like a nerd.  I love video games, reading, playing D&D; I am obsessive about homework and schoolwork and my writing; I prefer to be by myself and hate parties and partying and attention; I love Monty Python and Weird Al Yankovic and Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Then most frequent mistake others make about me is the drug thing; it comes from the rocker appearance, and the fact that I know the slang terms -- like Mary Jane, which is another word for Marijuana.  In actuality, I have little more than contempt for drugs, since they make you stupid and then they make you dead, and I'd rather not be either one of those things.  I don't really mind the misconception any more; I think it more funny than upsetting.

I do stereotype people, but never by race or gender.  I stereotype based on appearance, mostly based on the things people want to be judged by - when you dress like a gangster, I will tend to think of you as a gangster.  Or, if you're a teenager in St. Helens, kind of an idiot.  But I've known far too many people who break stereotypes, and been one myself for far too long, to judge people in any way other than the behavior they show me.

There.  That's better.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I can honestly say that I do not belong in any Clique. I have a wide range of friends, and I try to be friends with everyone. If someone is a good person, and I like them, then why wouldnt I be friends with them? Because they are in a certain clique? I think thats crap. It bugs me alot when someone says something like, "Why are you friends with them, they arent popular." Its really really sad how people judge and label others. We as humen tend to judge, and Im not saying Im an exception. Because Im not. I try not to as much as possible though. I give everyone a chance, I think thats what we all deserve. A chance to show people your personality. But the fact of the matter is, its highschool. There are cliques. There are groups. There are rumors and labels and exclusion. People think they are better than others because of the cliques they are in. Im not into any of that stuff. Im pretty easy going. I care about peoples feelings, I would never openly judge someone and make them feel bad about themselfs. And if someone is a little weird or out there, I give you props. Because they are doing their own thing, which is an admirable trait. Going against the croud and whats "socially acceptable" apshh. Forget that. Be as out there as you possibly can. Show how unique you are. Stand up for whatever you want, because you know what? We are all different. So why is it that there is a certain category of things that are acceptable and not acceptable. If we are all so different. Why don't we have more outrageous cliques? Cause the only REAL cliques I see are the cliques made up of conformists. People who dress boring and casual.
Bottom line; Cliques are overrated.
Cliques are a waste of time.
Cliques are BORING!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I think that I don't really belong in any clique. I just sort of roam around between different cliques because I don't think someone should just belong in one. There's a bunch of different likes and interests and hobbies that make someone up, and being in just one clique is kind of boring. I mean it's fun to be around people who like the same things as you and stuff! But you have to like more than one thing, right? well maybe not but I do lol.
I stereotype people honestly by how they look. I don't even mean to. I'll just be looking at a really pretty person and be like "oh she's popular". I mean the thought just pops in my head! I don't really think my stereotypes are convenient or harmful. I don't treat anybody differently, I just think that maybe they belong in a certain group. I know it's kinda wrong, but I'm working on it :O plus a lot of people do. It's just kinda human nature

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bob Dylan once told me

No, Bob Dylan didn't tell me anything. I never even met him.


I don't want to think I'm a stereotype, I like to think I'm me. But hey, if you wanna try and fit me into something, be my guest. I try not to be enemies with one specific group and friends with another, I don't do it because everyone else is doin' it. Fuck everyone else. I do tend to stereotype people a lot myself though, to better understand them of course. If I have an idea of what their general cause is I can usually find motive to their action. If I don't see any motive to what people are doing, they just piss me off in general. Because I'm an ignorant jackass like that.

Ok, well I guess I'll answer this in cookie cutter format.

What's my favorite song?
I really like talking shit about a pretty sunset, by modest mouse. Because when I listen to it, I think of the loneliness and despair of St Helens. And it's fairly meaningful, doesn't sound amazing but gets it's point across very well. That, and No Suprises by Radiohead. I feel somewhat emotionally comparative to that one as well, and sorta picked my own feeling and meaning out of it. I relate to it somewhat.

But my favorite Artist? Arcade Fire! I love them. And while they've got a good amount of religious sillyness, it's nothing like GO JESUS, and the music is simply an orgy in my ears. So well orchestrated, extremely good stuff.

I don't exactly have a favorite genre, if you ever care to scroll around on my zune you'll see that.


That is all. Thank you! Come again!


So I was initially going to do this blog about racial stereotypes, only to realise that as a middle-class white male, I haven't experienced them in the least.
So I'll just go for the basic topic - cliques. Do I fit into one? Yes, the Drama kids. The fact I eat lunch in Barnett's room every day kind of seals it. But oddly, I seem to be linked into another clique. The band kids. Now not to say anything against band kids, it's just I'm not one of you. It's just that on various occasions, I've been shoved in the same clique as you guys. It makes sense - I'm friends with some band kids, I suppose I look like a band kid (Somebody once told me I looked like a tuba player, something I'm not sure how to process.), but I'm not.
Yeah, I'm not loving this topic. Ending it here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Music - Grant P.

Im very nostalgic / alternative when it comes to my music as some of my favorite songs are: sweet embracable you, I don't want to set the world on fire, fly with me, and some other modern bands music sucha as linkin park and three days grace. I just really listen to what relates to my mood so unless I learn about a new song i like or im stuck in a mood for awhile i jump music so i can't say i like a specific group or genre but mostly i like slower to fast paced again depending on mood.

Cliques - Grant P.

I would stereotype myself as a nerd: smartish, not that atheletic, plays video games, reads books, etc..
Im not big fan of the premis behind stereotyping people in general but in some cases i believe it may just be easier to assume fact about someone than to think that much into them without trying to learn thier life story in the process.
Id also put me in the alternative clique or at least the one that is just a mish-mash of random people who somehow enjoy each others company. I don't really hang out with set "Group" of people as much as a small number of people from each clique.


I find the clique people place me into to be amusing. I am blessed with that everyone assumes and believes me to be an innocent sweet smart girl whose main priority is her grades. Which is a great facade to hide behind so I only show otherwise to those I'm close with, because really my life is my business.


I'm going to have to say that the Beatles are hands down my favorite music group. I think it's probably because they are comfortable and predictable due to the fact that nothing new is coming so I don't have to worry that they'll come out with a new, horrible album to ruin things for me. Another reason they're comforting to me is because my cousin introduced me to them when I was young, so their CD "1" was one of my first CDs and over time I accumulated almost every single one of their albums.

#5 music

my favorite song right know is lose it by atreyu.
i realy like the beat of this song i cant realy connect with the song but it is an easy song to listen to for me.

My favorite band is nickelback or atreyu
Atreyu is probly my favorite right know they have songs that you can listen to what ever your mood.
Nickelback always have something that u can listen to

My favorite genres are aternative, hip hop, rap, and rock


I think i would mostly fit in the jock or athlete clique i have made most of my friends throught in some way the sports i play but i try to be as respectful as possible to every body i dont think i fit the jock superstitions about the horrible grades or the person that goes around school like its mine.
I fit into the band kid clique. I'm not necessarily a geek or nerd, although a lot of people do place me there. Just because I get A's and some B's doesn't mean I'm a geek/nerd. And just because I was smart in Elementary School and had all A's in Middle School doesn't meen I'm a geek slash nerd. Those definitely were not the most strenuous school years ever. I, however, don't believe I match any stereotypes. Sterotypes and being placed in a certain clique doesn't harm me, it can just ge annoying when people get all awed when you tell them you got a B. My grouping of other people is mostly how I percieve them.


I fit the nerdy band geek clique pretty well. I do not really have much of a life outside of band and school, and I do not try to be popular. Band kids are diverse; we have the class idiot and the valedictorian in the same room every day. We all stand up for what we believe and what we love, and we are individual. Many people try to put me into the ‘quiet kid’ clique but I do not like it. Most of the time that group includes people from rough backgrounds and the unintelligent people. I don’t like to classify myself as that.
I think cliques are ridiculous but they tend to be how humans thing. We group like things together. We organize each other by who we appear to be, not who we actually are, and this is dumb. People gravitate toward people similar to themselves but this doesn’t have to mean they get the same label, does it?


I don't know that I'm in a clique, but there are a few stereotypes that fit me. I'm a nerd. I used to get really angry when people called me a nerd because it's not usually a positive stereotype. But if you look at it in a positive sense, then it fits very well because I care very much about my school work, I actually do my homework, etc. I know I'll benefit from my nerdiness and I don't really mind the nerd stereotype anymore. Because there's no denying the truth, right?
I also hang out with drama kids, so I guess I fit in there too. That's a hard stereotype for me to actually fit into because I'm not that loud and dramatic in my everyday life. So people can't look at me and say, "Drama geek!" Except sometimes.
One way to make me hate you is if you call me a band geek. First of all, I'm not in band. Sure, I was, but not anymore. That ship has passed. Secondly, I was never a band geek even when I was in band. In fact I avoided that place (the band room) like crazy, purely because of the people who actually do fit the band kid stereotype. And Ms. Hambling, but we won't go there. Anyway, I despise band. I could rant all day about that one.
Stereotypes are really annoying. Most of the time they're inaccurate and they are used against people. There's no way to count how many times I've seen people made fun of because of a stereotype. Same with cliques. It's frustrating to be judged by who you hang out with. That might be one of the reasons why I like to be a floater. I have a group that I hang out with before school, a different one during lunch... I hate being judged. It's not fair to anyone.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cliques - Will C.

I'm part of the geek nerd smart kid clique. It definitely affects me, but I like it well enough. People are more respectful and stuff. It's nice. I think cliques affect everybody, but it's not always bad. I definitely fit into the nerd stereotype: I'm smart, a little antisocial, uncool, and puny. In general, stereotypes can bring people together and push them apart. You just hope that you're in the right one.
I don't really know how I feel about cliques. In one way, they're bad, and in another, they're good. It's a double edged sword.I don't like that people just go and label other people. I mean, everyone has feelings, and stuff, but it makes it easier to look at someone, and know what they could possibly act like, and if you want to get into that stuff. Which makes me sad. I don't really know where I belong. I hang out with the most random mix of people, but that's what gives life flavor. I hang out with the band kids, drama kids, track kids, sporty kids. I don't really care about cliques otherwise.

Topic 5

I dont have a favorite artist, favorite song, or even a favorite genre. I like ALL types of music. I like any music with meaning behind it. Now i listen to rap and all and yes i like it but i prefer something that actually makes a statement. I like upbeat songs that can make me feel good, and dance. I like music that doesnt play on the radio every other song and most music i listen to doesnt make the weekly top 40. Its just what i like.

Topic 4: Sports

I love sports! I think they are most definitely a good thing. I feel that people who play sports learn a lot of things from them. Personally i have learned how to be a leader, how to do something under pressure, and how to work well with people in general. I was team captain of my basketball team this year, and let me tell you it wasn't easy. Sometimes i felt like i could just fight some of those girls but i learned to keep a positive attitude and motivate other people even when im not feeling like a leader. Sports can also be a bad thing because there are some people that just cant control their anger and sportsmanship becomes a big issue. Girls (and boys i suppose) get hurt and sometimes lose the love for sports strictly because of sportsmanship. But its whatever, i think they're good.

Topic 3: Movies

My favorite movie of all time would have to be Marley and Me. The first time i watched the movie i cried like a little baby and its still the same now.
Best movie ive seen in the last month or two is Dear John. Lame ending but over all good movie.
Boy Flick: Taken! Loooove it!
Chick Flick: Rumor has it.
Quote:"Why do you wanna marry me anyhow?" "So i can kiss you anytime i want"
Guilty Pleasure Movie: Grease, lol.

Topic #2

I think that the characters are. The authors usually use characters that really can relate to or make you laugh in some way. I know that a story can have a totally lame plot and the characters can be funny or something and i think the whole book is good. I have found myself reading a lot of books with totally lame plots and i still enjoy the book. One example is i read the clique books and i thought the plot was toally lame but the girls in the book were so unrealisticly stupid and annoying, that i would keep reading the book simply so i could just laugh at it. I guess in some sense the plot makes the book too, but i dont think it does as much as characters do. Like Shrek for example. STUPID movie, but the donkey makes the entire movie worth it. Lol.

Make-up. Topic #1

Well looks like a little..okay a lot on the behind side. I apologize for Ive been absent a lot altely dealing with my Washington D.C stuff, so this hasnt been the best semester so far. Okay so lets see, grade the class? Alright. 8/10. I think the class is a good one. We have a lot of discussions (which i like) and we get to see things from other classmates groups. It is always god to hear other peoples opinions because it can sometimes give you a change of heart. Us being young and still finding ourselves as individuals, i feel that is a good thing. Grade myself? Well at this point in time i would give myself a big fat F. Simply because i havent even done any of these, but hey im back on track and getting caught up now!


I feel like I fit into the group of people that do soccer/cross country/track just because a lot of the same people that are my friends do those sports. My stereotype would have to be nerd just because I do well in school, I'm not very athletic, and I watch TV and play videogames in my spare time. so I see the stereotype people give me to be the same as what I actually am. also because I'm actually the stereotype people see me as it really doesn't bother me that people have put in into that stereotype.
I feel like I usually put people in stereotypes by how they dress or if they act out or not; which I fined harmless just because it makes it easier to identify a person by the way they dress and not by the way they feel on the inside. Also if I put a person in a stereotype that they aren't why should they care I don't really know them so why should they get affended

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Labels are for soup cans not for people :D

I don't like cliques, but I know even here in little old St.Helens we have them. I don't think it's even really intentional, it just happens. People hang out with people who share their interests, that's how people form friendships, they share a commen thing that they like. And that is all fine and swell but it has to be really difficult for people who dont have others to hang out with or talk to. Or for instance a new student comes to school they have to find a group that is willing to accept them, and that isn't ever very easy at all. It's hard to be friends with someone else when they already have a group of friends. You cant just walk up to someone and automatically be their friend and be accepted. It just doesn't work like that.
So anyways I don't really know what clique I'm considered to be in. I hang out with the people who make me laugh, who I feel comfortable around, and the people who actualy listen to me and dont judge me.
I think if I was to be stereo typed people would think A) She must be a nerd, B) She is a weird art person, or C) She is probably in band or something. I do actualy fit these stereo types because yes I am a nerd, yes I love to do art, and yes I am actualy in choir which is kinda close to band in some ways (band people please dont kill me for comparing you to choir kids) but I don't really care what people think about me. I learned a while ago that you can't do anything to stop people from judging you or thinking what they want about you. All that matters is what I think of myself.


It's a little late but oh well. Anyway my favorite song of all time would have to be Anyone Else But You by the Moldy Peaches because it is unique and different, and it kind fits my personality, and it's also the only song i know on the guitar. My favorite band is the Beatles, because I like the quirky music, and i like retro things, and most vintage music is the best.
My favorite genres of music are vintage and alternative, I like to listen to a little bit of everything but mostly those to because i like to have a little bit of new and a little bit of old. This is a hard topic for me actually because I listen to such a wide variety of music, and have been exposed to so much music that I can't really narrow it down that well.

i must be emo! ... not!!

so cliques... like poular people and jocks and all that crap? i dont really know... i hang out with monique, amy, and all those people and they are kind of a clique of their own. there is no general clique to put us in!

now as for stereotypes, *big huge sigh* amy says my stereotype is emo which, in my opinion, isn't exactly true. i was emo in 7th and 8th grade and a i looked like it last year but im really not! for one: i have a sort of phobia of really sharp things so i would never cut myself. 2: i dont hate the world so much that i would want to kill myself. and 3: i'm not that depressed! i would rather say im a nerd just because of the things i like to talk about and do in my spare time. and i am not the encyclopedia of music so stop asking me what a song is called and who its by!!! sometimes i just dont know ok?! ok i feel better now ^.^

Monday, March 8, 2010

!42! Topic #6: Cliques

This comes out of the discussion we were having in class today; I'd like to dig a little deeper into this idea of groups we belong to and groups we choose, and those we should stand up for against other groups, and so on.
I realize that this is a difficult topic, and one that requires some real self- analysis, but I do want you to give it a genuine attempt.

What clique do you belong to? What stereotypes do you match? It may be enough if you simply appear to match the stereotypes, since much of this comes from how others perceive us, but it can be very interesting to see who actually does fit the categories.

If others perceive you/refer to you as matching a stereotype, if others put you into a clique, do you think it is at all accurate, or is it simply stuff and nonsense? Do stereotypes affect you at all? Do they harm or inconvenience you? (Try to think about all stereotypes: those of race, gender, and age, as well as those of social group and so forth.)

Lastly, in what ways do you tend to stereotype other people? Are your stereotypes, in your opinion, harmful or simply convenient?

Topic 5

My favorite song is tick tock by keisha because it's the song i did my first performance in front of a bunch of people hehe.
My favorite artist is Rise Against because they're lyrics are strong.
My favorite musical genre is hip hop/alternative rock/techno because they have good beats to them ;]

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I tend to like all music, as long as it's good. I don't have a favorite genre becasue I think all music can be good, except rap. I don't like it becasue when it's not talking about sex and drugs it's about how much you want to kill the guy who stole your woman away from you. It just doesn't sound good. What I listen to often depends n my mood and what I'm doing. I listen to calming music when I'm stressed, something heavy if I'm mad, something quiet if I'm in a peaceful mood, things like that. There are always exceptions to these but most of the time that's how it is for me.
Also, I love making music. I love playing instruments, and i love singing (but I hate singing in front of people). I appreciate people who are good at making music and people with good singing voices who aren't afraid to sing for people are my hero. :)


I think sports are a good thing but I think our school systems should be more like french ones. School is important and kids should not leave class becasue of a sport.In France school do not have their own sports teams, the sports are completely separate, but they are there and they thrive. Someones education is more important than their sports being during school.


Gosh I don't have a favorite genre or band. I listen to random music and don't care who the artist is. Honestly I listen to metal and folk music, classical and 80's rock.
But I guess that my favorite artist would be, Elvis. He has some good songs and is the King of Rock n' Roll. Truthfully, I don't think it is fair for me to have a favorite singer or group though. I don't listen to anyone enough to really have a preference.
Finally favorite song, ugh! There are too many! Um, Wonderful by Everclear, Open Wounds by Skillet, Lemonade by Chris Rice, and many more... including a whole bunch of songs from musicals.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My favorite song is probably knife called lust by Hollywood Undead or hypnotise by System of a Down. These are my favorite songs (sorry i put two but i found it hard to narrow down to one) because, 1: they have good beats, and 2: because most of what both songs say is true.

My favorit artist(s) would be Hollywood Undead, Eminem, and System of a Down. These are my favorite because they are all fun bands, Eminem raps about true shit, System of a Downs is just awesome as is Hollywood Undead.

My favorite genre(s) of music are: Alternative, Rock, and Deathcore/Screamo. I like Rock because i was raised around it and its good music and i like screamo because it has the same tone as my emotions most of the time.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here comes the delivery.

Okay so when the new semester started I broke my arm and had a lot of catching up to do and didn't really have time for the blog because my laptop broke and now I'm using my dad's laptop and every 3 minutes a message pops up saying that it needs to restart for an update which is making this very annoying and then when I went to login I couldn't remember my password because the normal password I use is shorter then 8 characters so it wouldn't allow it. Anyways you could give in to my guilt trip or not its up to you but I need to do the first five topics.

Topic 1-
It really depends. I would grade the class 5/10 because way to loud for a class. But honestly I don't mind it being loud so I would give it a 9/10 because I like the class. This one is kind of hard to do because it really depends on what aspects we're grading. But I would go with somewhere around 9/10 as an overall grade.

Topic 2-
The two element I believe are most important are plot and character. But thats because a majority of stories rely on those two but it definitely varies by story and I don't think any are really more important then each other because you need all of them to make a story.

Topic 3-
As for movies I really just like watching comedies with friends and laughing and having a good time. But I don't really have a favorite. I really like watchman but I'm not a huge fan and read the comics or anything like that. A lot of people might think this is gay but I like the movie Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It's pretty rad. I like classics like boondock saints and others like that. But really any movie that entertains me is good.

Topic 4-
I like sports. I have played sports all of my life to keep in shape and keep busy. But I can do both of those without sports and don't really like the competitiveness of sports. It's not for me. I know a lot of other people like competition but the only school sport I play now is golf because you play against yourself everyday. I'm not much of a spectator of sports either because they bore me. That's just my opinion though

Topic 5-
I love music. I think it would be cool to do something with music when I get older but I haven't put enough effort into it to make anything out of it.

What is your favorite song?
New slang by The Shins is one of my favorites. I don't really have a favorite though.

Who is you favorite musical artist?
Peter Doherty.

What is your favorite genre of music?
Mostly anything with a guitar that isn't country

My computer reset during this too and it took me forever to find where the drafts get saved too. I thought all of this got erased.

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if you want the unfliped version just tell me and ill bring it to school printed out ok... but you should at least try to read it like this, i can tell you'll have more fun :)

PS: its upside down and reversed so the bottom is the top and you read from right to left... so a mirror wont work :D


Favorite song: Right now, it's either Dreaming of You by The Chorale, or In Too Deep by Sum 41. Fantastic songs. Dreaming of you has a great melody, and In Too Deep has a great melody, beat, and Lego Rockband Drum part. :P

Favorite Artist: I really like Guns 'n' Roses. And other stuff like them. Guns 'n' Roses just has a bunch of really catchy songs, like Sweet Child Of Mine (which is my personal favorite (Actually, that my be my fav song :) )) and Paradise City.

Genre: Hard Rock and Nu-Metal. Stuff like Disturbed, System of a Down, Three Days Grace, Nickleback, Hollywood Undead, Linkin Park, etc etc.

If you guys really want to see some good music, follow this link: If it doesn't work, Im coleson123, and then click on Coleson's playlist. :) Some of it might have bad language, but keep in mind, I choose songs for their melody and music. Not lyrics (mostly) Unless they have funny lyrics. :)


I like music a lot. It makes me smile. My favorite song of the moment is The Saltwater Room by Owl City. And my other favorite is The Moment I Said It by Imogen Heap.
Some of my favorite artists are Imogen Heap, Owl City, Regina Spektor, A Fine Frenzy, Redcast, and Oren Lavie. I do not like Lady Gaga. She makes me vomit. Figuratively, of course.
I don't really know how to explain my favorite genre of music. I like alternative music, mixed with a little pop. Slow stuff is good. I don't like rap. Hiphop doesn't thrill me. I'm very picky about my country. I pretty much limit my country intake to Taylor Swift and a little bit of Dixie Chicks when I'm really desperate.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Losing reality in the beat.

I love music, but Music is not my "Whole life." I do fully enjoy it though. I do not like screamo, it scares me and I cant listen to it. I don't have a favorite genre of music, I like Rap and Hip Hop (please dont be discusted by my preferences, Im sure you would ask the same thing of me..) but I also enjoy meny other things. I like Pop, Alternative, R&B/soul, even some Christian. I don't have a favorite artist to be honest. I Like Chester See, you probably havent heard of him. He sings one of my favorite songs, God Damn You're Beautiful. Its very lovely, you should listen to it :) I also like Lil Wayne, alot. I have a very diverse taste in music. One thing I dont like about music in general is how much it can affect my mood. If I'm in a fine mood and a song comes on that reminds me of something, it makes me very sad. Or when Im feeling down and a high beat song comes on and I find myself dancing...

Music !

I feel that is impossible to choice favorites for music beacause it is always changing and even at any given point in time theres 20 songs that would be my "favorite". same goes for generes and bands/groups/artists except for little wayne he will always be my favorite rapper.

Music is good just write the post and hush

My favorite songs at the moment are Alice by Avril Lavigne, Where's My Angel by Metro Station, and Painting Flowers by All Time Low all off of the Almost Alice soundtrack which is just wonderful! Haha Alice in Wonderland. Well I like them because when I'm listening to them I can see how the lyrics fit the story and because they sound good.

My favorite artist right now is Flyleaf because they sound amazing and it's cool cuse most of their songs have something to do with God but they sound almost goth...I think it's cool. My zombie friend and I agree on this, actually we have talked this over before.

I don't really have a specific genre that I listen to. I like all sorts of music. So I can't tell you sorry.

When I have a horrible day I come home and blast my music. It makes me feel better, and depending on what kind of mood I'm in my song choice varies.


oh yes and while im on blogger i wanted to ask a question... does anyone have metal gear solid 2 or 3?! if so, CAN I BORROW IT?! just wanted to ask... i got hooked but i dont have any of the games and i want to play them! yeah i take good care of games so it will be safe with me if you let me borrow it. :)

i like everything!

ok so i like all kinds of music except for contry because i just dont like the sound of it... it annoys me... but i would have to say alternative rock is my favorite genre of music because its always interesting to listen to and it could sounde like a couple different genres depending on what song or artist.

my favorite artist right now would have to be flyleaf maybe? i dont know... it always changes for me and it also depends on my mood.

my favorite song right now? i dont have one. i really like this song called all my balloons by children 18:3 but that will probably change tomorrow aswell!


Really? Of all things to write about, this is what you choose? This sounds really stupid, but I think that we can all look at every person in the classroom and tell what they listen to.

I honestly listen to everything. I don't necessarily like it, but I try to expand my options and am very open to different bands. I like...I don't really know. I think it's like indie rock, or something. It just depends on my mood. I also really like Broadway Musicals. But that's more of the fact that I wish that I could sing like some of them, but they do some amazing things!

Current favorite songs: Pieces-Red, Falling for You-Seabird, Streetlights-Ludo, Please-Ludo

Current Favorite Artists:
Ludo-They appeal, in my opinion to all kinds of people. All of their songs aren't the same thing. I've listened to most of them, and they're all very different. I like that.

Taylor Swift:(I think that I just lost a few peoples respect) I like her songs because I think that every girl can relate to what she sings about. Yeah, she goes overboard sometimes, and you can't really listen to any of her well known songs more than once, and she sucks live, but she's relateable, and I think that's great.

Flyleaf: Great for when you're mad, or you're really angry at someone, 'nough said.

Paramore: I'm on the fence about this one. They used to be good, but I'm losing my faith in them.
Honestly, I like anything that's not Owl City. I do not like them.

Talking about music, what do you think about people blaming shootings and violence on music? Do you think that it's the music's fault?


my favorite song is ol' Red mainly because it is about a person who escapes from jail in a similar way to the way he got in.
my favorite musical artist is Blake Shelton because most of his songs are more like stories and I feel like it makes them more purposeful.
and my favorite genre is country for a few reasons one is I can understand what they are saying, usually they have a meaning behind them, and I just like the rhythm to most country songs.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Seriously? Music. Well I should've seen it coming. It's a common topic, so it had to be discussed eventually. But still, my musical tastes aren't something I usually discuss. Why? Because I really can't defend them. I like what I like, and I like it because for some reason, I LIKE IT. Are the lyrics speaking to my soul? Occasionally, but not often enough that I judge music on it. Do I just appriciate the beat & rythyms? I suppose, but that's why people like music in the first place. It's like saying you enjoy food because it tastes good.
Oh food - there's a metaphor to jump on. So let's compare one my favorite bands to food & see if that will explain it. For this example, I shall pull up the DC indie pop-rock group You Me And Everyone We Know. Why YM&EWK, ratehr than one of the more mainstream bands on my iPod, such as FOB or Cobra? Because I happened to have a link to one of their songs on my clipboard.

So, if YouMe were a food. They would be... Spicey? Not really. They're soothing in a way. Salty? I suppose, but what food isn't a little salty? It's a base flavor, and you can't like it for that alone. Cheesy? Well that product is already tied to a quality, so not really. Sweet? I guess - they've got more than a few songs that sound like bubblegum top 40 hits.
This metaphor is not going well.

Let's just tie them down to a food & end this post. They're popcorn. Filling, entertaining, and complimentary to any mood. On it's own, it's great. But when used to accent something, like a movie or an activity, it becomes splendid. Unless you're accenting an Atkins convention.

So the moral is "Everyone &" (I know, I'm jumping around on the abbreviations) is bad if you're watching carbs.}
Told you I suck at this.


Sport: n. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.

I think sports to a certain degree are fine, perhaps even beneficial. I think I've stated before that I believe a little bit of competitiveness brings out the good in people. In today's culture I think the amount of importance we place on sports has gotten out of hand however. I don't think sports should be a priority in one's life, but instead somewhere they can learn skills which they will apply to more practical applications. People can learn things such as teamwork and coordination from sports, both things which can have very practical applications both in survival and the work place.

While there are benefits to sports as I've previously exhibited I feel that more than the benefits are the drawbacks which come with a society who places such a high level of importance on games. I mean when a father gets mad at his own son for choosing not to play college football, even though he's good enough and would likely rise to be a star player in future years, because he'd rather focus on his studies, there's a major problem. Newsflash, the reason to go to college is to get an education, not to play a game.

Music - Will C.

My favorite songs are Young by Hollywood Undead, Rooftops and Ride by Lostprophets, Riot and Break by Three Days Grace, In too Deep by Sum 41, and My Friend John by The Fratellis. Just looking above, I'd say my favorite bands are Lostprophets and Three Days Grace. Genre is probably rock or metal. I don't know why I like these songs, I just do. I don't pick songs for the lyrics, in fact, I never really listen to the lyrics at all. It's just the music.

!42! Topic #5: Music

Because I realized a student already asked for this topic, I'm going to give him preference.  We will get to the other fun topics in the weeks ahead.

So for this week:

What is your favorite song?

Who is your favorite musical artist?

What is your favorite genre of music?

Defend all of your choices with something more than "Cuz I likes it" please.

Topic #4 Sports

Ok since I don't care about sports, I'll talk about good and evil =D

I think that there are good and evil, but there can never be a being or living organism that can be entirely one. I think there can be completely good acts or completely evil acts, but I don't think that a person itself can be completely good or evil. Even if you're talking about a murderer, they have good in them, they just chose to show mostly the evil and act on it. Also, if you're talking about one of those people who have a bunch of friends and are NEVER mean, they still probably think mean thoughts or are secretly mean.