Thursday, March 11, 2010


I don't know that I'm in a clique, but there are a few stereotypes that fit me. I'm a nerd. I used to get really angry when people called me a nerd because it's not usually a positive stereotype. But if you look at it in a positive sense, then it fits very well because I care very much about my school work, I actually do my homework, etc. I know I'll benefit from my nerdiness and I don't really mind the nerd stereotype anymore. Because there's no denying the truth, right?
I also hang out with drama kids, so I guess I fit in there too. That's a hard stereotype for me to actually fit into because I'm not that loud and dramatic in my everyday life. So people can't look at me and say, "Drama geek!" Except sometimes.
One way to make me hate you is if you call me a band geek. First of all, I'm not in band. Sure, I was, but not anymore. That ship has passed. Secondly, I was never a band geek even when I was in band. In fact I avoided that place (the band room) like crazy, purely because of the people who actually do fit the band kid stereotype. And Ms. Hambling, but we won't go there. Anyway, I despise band. I could rant all day about that one.
Stereotypes are really annoying. Most of the time they're inaccurate and they are used against people. There's no way to count how many times I've seen people made fun of because of a stereotype. Same with cliques. It's frustrating to be judged by who you hang out with. That might be one of the reasons why I like to be a floater. I have a group that I hang out with before school, a different one during lunch... I hate being judged. It's not fair to anyone.

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