Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i must be emo! ... not!!

so cliques... like poular people and jocks and all that crap? i dont really know... i hang out with monique, amy, and all those people and they are kind of a clique of their own. there is no general clique to put us in!

now as for stereotypes, *big huge sigh* amy says my stereotype is emo which, in my opinion, isn't exactly true. i was emo in 7th and 8th grade and a i looked like it last year but im really not! for one: i have a sort of phobia of really sharp things so i would never cut myself. 2: i dont hate the world so much that i would want to kill myself. and 3: i'm not that depressed! i would rather say im a nerd just because of the things i like to talk about and do in my spare time. and i am not the encyclopedia of music so stop asking me what a song is called and who its by!!! sometimes i just dont know ok?! ok i feel better now ^.^


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