Monday, March 1, 2010

Topic #4 Sports

Ok since I don't care about sports, I'll talk about good and evil =D

I think that there are good and evil, but there can never be a being or living organism that can be entirely one. I think there can be completely good acts or completely evil acts, but I don't think that a person itself can be completely good or evil. Even if you're talking about a murderer, they have good in them, they just chose to show mostly the evil and act on it. Also, if you're talking about one of those people who have a bunch of friends and are NEVER mean, they still probably think mean thoughts or are secretly mean.

1 comment:

  1. The problem here is a question of pragmatism -- meaning realism. Realistically, do the kind thoughts inside the head of a mass murderer make up for his crimes? If Ted Bundy helped an old lady across the street, and then murdered twenty young women, does the good deed even count at all? Or is it totally swallowed up in the evil? And if you -- because I'm going to assume you are one of those permanently nice people who never do anything mean (Other than make me lose the game every time I see you -- hah! Gotcha!) -- if you have mean thoughts, but only act kindly, do the mean thoughts matter at all? What if they are not conscious, but come straight from the reptilian underbrain, and maybe even shock you? If you never act on them in any way, do your thoughts really make you evil?


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