Monday, March 15, 2010

topics 4 and 6

I'd like to start by saying that i dont not know how i did 5 without noticing 4 but anyways, here we go:

Topic 4: Hate to disagree with ya Mr. H but i think sports are a good thing throughout life i dont understand how you think that there is no cooperation in sports, they do teach you how to work as a team when i play on the offensive line in football we all have to know what each other are going to do and if we dont then someones going to get hurt(running back). and also all football is is thinking you have to figure out what the person across from you is going to do. you have to know where they want to be. you have to be in there head and one step faster then them.
as far as pro athletes and and college athletes go they get ridiculous and egotistical and don't realize how lucky they are to get payed millions of dollars to play a damn game!

Topic 5: id say i tend to put alot of people on stereotypical groups but hey thats highschool haha you tend to be grouped by the people you hangout with which affects the way you dress and act.


  1. First of all: you don't hate to disagree with me, Kirby, you LIVE to disagree with me. I see your point about cooperation on the offensive line, and also the need to think like your opponent; that's my ignorance, from never having played sports. I will maintain, though, that just like sports and physical conditioning, there are far better ways to teach teamwork and cooperation than forming a group to pound on the other group, and there are better kinds of thinking to learn than which way your opponent is going to run. The question becomes, do these positives you speak of make up for the negatives? You learn to help your teammates -- by crushing your opponents. You learn to think fast -- but specifically as it relates to football plays. And while high school sports may be good times, they lead to college and pro sports -- which are insane.

    So are they worth it?

    By the way: I saw on the news that the Ducks QB also got a year's probation. So that's cool. He still should have been thrown off the team, however. Or lost his free ride.

  2. What about something like softball or baseball? You don't pound on people, it's a minimal contact sport, and it does teach you good things.

  3. Still not healthy: pitching and catching, especially, are hard on your body, but any sport that requires intense bursts of exertion followed by long periods of idleness is not particularly good for your body -- though again, the conditioning that athletes do in preparation for the sport is, obviously, very healthy. I'm not sure what baseball or softball would teach you that would be good -- teamwork, I guess, but the teammates (in my experience) often turn on each other when things don't go well -- because the most important thing is not forming a cohesive unit, it is crushing the enemy. Maybe I see it wrongly, since I didn't play any team sports after about 7th grade, but in my mind the essence of sports is competition -- and competition is not about cooperation. Kinda the opposite.

  4. Oh, and Kirby -- what clique are you in? What stereotype do people apply to you?


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