Friday, March 19, 2010

#6, and #'s 3,4,5 right side up...

Favorite movie of all time: probably the first pirates of the Caribbean, just a good all around movie. Not to bad acting, funny parts, action, just seems to have it all.
Best movie in the last month or two: Probably ROAM, its a mountain bike movie, i'm guessing you wouldn't know.
Best Action flick: Law abiding citizen, awesome movie, love the premis and how it all fits together... great movie
Romantic flick: A serious man, not really a chick flick but the closest i could come.
Quote: First one that comes to mind: "we have him locked up and he's still killing people"
Guilty pleasure: none, i am ashamed of no movie i watch, why would i be?

As an avid sports player, it would be hard for me to diss on sports at all. I can say from experence that they have brought me up with most of the friends i hang out with today. I cant even imagine my life, and what it would be shaped like without them. I do 3 sports a year not counting the many things i do on my own. I snowboard, wake board, dirt bike, mountain bike, you name it ive probably tried it. My life really only consists of school and sports, not much time for anything else. So i think sports are an amazingly wonderful thing that every kid should at least have the chance to participate in. Its not for everybody but i think if you can you should at least try and make an effort. As for famous sports like the nfl and Olympics, in my opinion it becomes less and less about the athlete and more and more about the product. At that level sports lose their appeal to me. I didn't even know the teams playing for the super bowl until the night of. The olympics are an amazing event, for everything they have wrong with them from corruption to deaths, it is a true chance for the nations of the world to come together and become one. A true cooperation of the world is a rare event and sports brought it all together.

Oh man Favorite song, your really putting us on the spot. I couldn't say i have a single favorite, a current fav for me is MK ultra by Muse, but i swear it changes on a day to day basis. I go through almost phases of music genes, like in middle school i like rap, can you believe it, but now im much more into alternative and punk. and in between came a techo/dance fad. its more what suites me and how life is going.

I think that i belong to the "Non-popular sport," clique. I almost try and stay away from the big sports, like football. Almost all of my friends either do soccer, which is completely shadowed over by football in the fall, swimming which is shadowed by basketball, even though we had people go to state, cross country, football again even though they were district champs. The one sport i do do that is really "popular," would be track, but even then i find myself gravitating toward pole vault, which last year there were only 3 people doing it including me, by far the least of any event. I love to mountain bike ride, and only know of 3 people with bikes that are willing to go besides me in the entire school, We own stand up jet skis that have become like an obsession for me trying to find time after school to go out. I Doubt anyone who reads this will ever even see another, let alone ride it other than at my house.
stereotypes as a whole are bad, but unfortunately i find that they are right most of the time. thats why it's a stereotype. The jocks, are jocks, and the skaters are skaters, some might not be sure but as a whole i think most do, thats why they are stereotyped. But before you make any judgments on a single person, find out what they do, because everyone is a little different than their stereotype.

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