Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cliques: A high school nightmare

This is really late, but oh well, for me cliques are a very stupid waste of time. I don't think I am part of a clique because I like to spend time with all sorts of people. I am not sure what people think about me but I have to guesses, and I think people either think of me as a "goody goody" or a bitch. Now I know some people may be confused about the second one, but some people i know think that about me, and i know it becasue I am very opinionated, not necessarily against people but just in general. and if i am in one of my moods or i am working on something, and you bother me I am most likely not going to give you the time of day. For the goody goody, i don't think I am one, yeah I like to get good grades and do really good on stuff and add a little extra to my work, but that is just me in the classroom, outside of that I do crazy stuff, and have fun, i just do it outside of school so it doesnt hurt my future. I don't think people can be accurate about me at all, no matter what they think because I don't put out everything I am, and it wouldn't matter because people are going to think what they want to and you can't always change that. I am not really hurt or harmed in anyway of stereotypes because if you don't like me or think of me badly then that's your problem, I will just surround myself with people who do actually like me and want to be arround me. I don't want to waste my time worrying what other people think of me.
Now I do stereotype other people, but not by gender or race, but the way people act and the way they look. I don' tthink the way I stereotype is harmful because I don't usually express those to other people I just kind of keep them to myself and that is my personal opinion of that person or group.

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