Saturday, December 19, 2009


Have you ever wondered why things change and get harder as we grow up? When I look at little kids I think, innocence, they have nothing to worry about, and everything they do wrong they do not because they know its wrong its because they are curious. They then learn from that. Don't you remember when it didn't matter who you were or what you did, you would just walk up to another kid and start talking to them, and then you became friends just like that, it was that easy. As you grow up things become more complicated, simple feelings become more complexed and situations become more complicated. Why is that? I really want to know why is it that we start to break off into certain groups and then tease or make fun of the other groups that are not like ourselves, when just not that long ago, the groups all got along. My favorite quote is, "Kindergarten... where the definition of drama was someone stealing your crayons." When your little you only really fought if someone teased you or took something of yours, now people stab other people in the back, lie, can be two-faced, and cheat on their partner. I don't understand how you can go from such innocence and happiness and easy life to things so mean and screwed up and stressful. We lose so much of imagination as we get older, i love this line from the movie "Yes Man". The girl says, " The world is playground. You know that when you are a kind but somehow you forget as you grow up." I agree with that so much because I believe the sky is the limit, and i may seem like I plan out my life and what I want to do so far in advance, but I do it a lot because of my imagination and the fact that I believe if there is something out there that you want to do, then go out and do it.

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