Friday, December 25, 2009

The Choices the Choices

Oh the dilema Topic #11 has created. Shall I tell you about my persuasive essay topic? For I have no reason not to as my beliefs are firm. Or perhaps I should tear down every element of happiness until I can give an answer to a yes or no question that is far from simple. Or state testing... Oh how long I could rant in regard to that... Maybe I'll just answer all of the topics, make up for the tardiness of my response.

For my persuasive essay I chose to debate the very controversial topic of abortion, a topic which has squeezed it's way into current politics. I personally strongly stand in the support of pro-choice as I feel a woman deserves her right to choose, amongst other things.

Happiness... Such a broad, broad concept. Happiness could be looked upon in the immediate sense of contentment. Right at this very second, yes, sure I'm happy, it's Christmas, I'm surrounded by my family. This past week? Very happy indeed, I made one of the best friends I've had, plus I've gotten to exercise every day. Happy with my job? Indeed... though money has lost it's glory. But am I happy? I'd like to think that I am, I mean my life is going in the right direction, I always have a smile on my face, but does that really mean anything? Am I truly happy? Or have I been hurt too much to truly be happy? Does my past hurt and experiences taint my ability to be happy even if I have an optimistic outlook and have positive experiences in my future? Or does my concern for others not allow me to be truly happy? So here's my answer, in a sense, yes I am happy. I have friends I love and know I could trust with anything. But to be truly happy one must have a sense of ignorance and innocense. To a degree I believe I have both, but just enough a lack of both to prevent me from truly being happy. I worry too much about the struggles others face in places that aren't so pleasant. I worry for the victims of human trafficking, of genocide and other horrible occurances to truly be happy. I could never be happy knowing that such things are happening. So no, I'm not happy. But with my life sure, I'm happy, what isn't there to be happy about? But I'm part of a bigger picture, only one dot on a huge map, I have only a small amount of importance in the scheme of things.


  1. But how happy would we be if we didn't have anything to worry about?

  2. Human nature would manage to find something to worry about. I'd much rather worry about global warming or over population than people being slaughtered without cause.

  3. What if we could change the way humans think? Just thinking out loud here, but what if it wasn't an instinct to worry?


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