Monday, December 14, 2009


Because I don't celebrate Christmas. My little brother does, but that's because it means he gets more presents, and I don't like taking more than I want from my parents.

Solstice, to me, is a pretty relaxed time, because we usually have some people over, although this year we're trying at a party (feel free to come!). We just sit around, talk, eat, share a few small gifts or something, and get our givin's from Solstice Joe the next day! And I personally, enjoy it much more than christmas with the relatives because when I go to see them, they're all about all the gifts! Everyone's gotta have one! Then a big dinner! And it's not even celebrating anything, it's just a big panic to buy something spectacular for someone else, for what?! It makes no sense, I have yet to see a family that actually celebrates anything on christmas, they just flip shit about presents.

What we do, is say a few passages and such for the coming of season, but as we would any other coming of season, and give presents to award ourselves for making it this far. And I think that seems somewhat acceptable, and they're almost never big presents, just little charms or something. And I find myself frustrated with why Christmas is considered such a huge deal, when there's not much actual meaning outside of spending money for a good percentage of America these days. That's people for you, I guess.


  1. aww you don't like christmas? that makes me a sad panda... yeah christmas is soppose to celebrate jesus being born but now days its just a fat creeper who breaks into peoples houses and gives presents to the little children... god santas creepy!!

  2. I just don't like insane ridiculous present giving, I'm fine with actual celebration, but celebration shouldn't require money money money.

  3. I just like that feeling I get when I buy something for someone else and I just know that they will freak out when they open it! It makes me feel like I accomplished something, and I also like getting presents haha! My dads side of the family is really big on celebrations and they save up money all year just to get something for someone they care for. It doesn't have to be a fiasco! Ha I don't know how to spell! :)

  4. Well, I guess I could understand that, as a family we just don't really like to help each other or anything, so the concept of presents to me is silly, because I don't really experience it. I hope that makes sense, I want to feel empathy for it but I can't as I've never experienced it?

    I dunno, I think a christmas with a full family would be interesting to witness or at least be a part of. And you spelled all of that just fine :D


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