Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Yup. I'm happy. I have a great family with steady joibs, I'm talented, and generally content with life. I never get sad about much, and if so, never for very long. Pretty much the most negative feeling that I get is boredom. Anyway, my contrversial topic is capital puinishment. My claim is that we should get rid of it. We spend about $2 million a case, twice as much as life in prison. Furthermore, there is no evidence that it helps to decrease crime rates. In fact, sometimes the opposite! A bullet costs $2, so why does it cost $2 million to kill someone legally?

1 comment:

  1. Funeral, burial, stuff like that, costs money. Because I don't really think anyone wants to do that for free. So sure, you can put a round in his head, with a gun the government paid for, then you get a casket for your funeral (gotta hire a pastor guy or whatever to say some nice things about whoever) and then buy a headstone. 2 million seems a little much, where did you find that statistic?


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