Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is mario really the "best" video game ever?

i have been on alot of top 100 videogame sites and most all of them say that the mario franchise is number one! but why cant some other game be number one? (like final fantasy *cough cough*) so this is my topic 11. and i am against it!! i have played alot of way better games than mario! mario is actually kinda boring in my opinion and i suck at it. some pluses for it though is that for its time, it was actually the most involved game compaired to the others. and it also carved a path for future video games to come. but, it has also taken a turn for the worse. for example; they keep cranking those games out atleast 4 or 5 times a year! and they are just the same game re-released and there is nothing new about them! better graphics sure but i think mario is just run by scammers now and thats a hit against them. and also what are the chances of some fat italian plumber risking his life and finally getting to the princess and dating her?! anyway i think that is some solid evidence that the people who made that game in the first place was a little bit on crack but just a little bit. (trying not to be offencive and failing) i have nothing against mario, its a decent game and all, but there is probably some evedence out there to prove that it is not the number one game of all time...

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm pretty sure it's either a bandwagon thing or a cult-classic type of deal, because mario, when it first sprung it's neck around the bends, was pretty damn tubular from what I understand.

    But like, looking at it, the game is pretty much a drug induced platforming adventure that just gets pumped out faster than sonic adventure sequels and spinoffs. And let's face it, those games just got old wayyyy fast.

    There's pleanty of better games I'm pretty sure, but then again, it's all opinion, yes?


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