Monday, December 14, 2009


So technically Christmas started out as a pagan holiday which Christians became jealous of and called their own. So maybe not jealous but it sounded better. I think holidays should be left as they were originally not, for example, X- Mas because people don't want to offend anyone by mentioning Christ. I guess my whole train of thought boils down to my question of "Is there really a god" but i don't want to discuss that today.
I think Christmas is overrated and in today's society it should be about giving, being with family and close friends, and being happy, not about getting and who can get the biggest present. I have a friend who calls me every Christmas and asks what I got and how much money it was worth and i HATE it. That is not what Christmas is about! I don't particularly care that your family can afford a huge Christmas and mine doesn't even want one. We give gifts and celebrate Christmas but not for anything like people seem to think it should be.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous seems fitting though, they pretty much have a holiday after or around every single one of ours. Well not every one, you can't count the moon cycles though.


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