Sunday, February 28, 2010


I don't particularly enjoy playing sports. They're fun to watch, but I'm athletically challenged. :) I do think they're a good thing though. I really wish my mom had put me in sports when I was younger. The only sport I've done in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE is swim team in fourth grade. And I absolutely despise swimming. But I like watching it. What's wrong with me? I think I would like to play sports a lot more if I'd been doing so ever since I was a little one. Sports teach teamwork and discipline. Both of those are good things to have. But I also think they're an important part of a lot of people's lives. There are a lot of people who think it's fun to play sports, and they like the adrenaline and competitiveness.
Just like with any celebrity, the "sports stars" can get away with a lot of things that the average citizen can't. I think it's wrong that we think of movie stars, singers, and pro-athletes as special. Their lives might be publicized, but that doesn't mean they can do anything they want. Breaking the law is still breaking the law, even if you're rich and famous. But at the local level (any level that isn't publicized, pretty much) sports are still good. Kids need the values they learn from being on a team.
I think the olympics are awesome. I know that some of the participating countries are doing bad things. Even the athletes do things they shouldn't. But I feel it's important for everyone to come together and try our hardest to forget about eachother's faults. It's about being unified, even if the olympics only last for a few weeks. I think it's really special when athletes from different countries can congratulate their competitors after they've just lost an important race.
The more that I think about it, I think maybe we should only have community teams, not public school teams. Having school teams puts all this rivalry between schools. If I mention that I have friends from a different school, most likely I'll hear at least one person complain about that school. I don't know about you, but that just doesn't seem cool to me.
Now to define sport. Yay. When I think of sports, I think of things that make me sweaty and grumpy and are way to competitive for my liking. But to be more technical, a sport is some sort of physical activity where you compete, either against yourself or another person, to reach a goal. I know that's not very specific, but who cares. Personally, I don't consider dancing a sport, but that's mostly because I like to dance and I don't want to associate it with sports. And I'm a brat. But I guess it could be one too.

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