Tuesday, January 12, 2010

All the topics I missed

I kinda forgot to get on here for a while a couple of months ago. So I'm gonna go through all the topics I didn't post about.


I fear that our country is going downhill. Our politicians talk about what they're going to do to fix our problems, but they rarely act upon it. Or they do things that in the long run will hurt us. It scares me a little bit because we're going to be the ones who have to fix these problems when we're older. Our main problems are the economy, war, and schools. I really wish we could have the kind of world that our grand parents lived in. The people were friendlier, they formed relationships with eachother, everything was safer... I feel like a lot of our problems could be fixed if we were less selfish and actually cared about others. But we have so much more technology than before. I think that might be one of the main factors that makes people so much more self-oriented than they were before. But who wants to give the technology up? Not me.


Food is pretty much amazing. My favorite is cheese ravioli with garlic bread. Oh yes. My favorite food from Thanksgiving dinner is stuffing. I love stuffing with all my heart. I'd eat it everyday. But we only have it on Thanksgiving, so that doesn't work too well. Also, I'm pretty much addicted to pepperoni. I eat so much of it. And pizza is good. Pasta is wonderful, potatoes period are heavenly. I don't know. Food is just good. Good food is good, I mean, because I'm a horribly picky eater. I can make a HUGE list of all the foods I hate. Well, I don't like sausage (especially Italian sausage), mushrooms, onions, eggs, chicken enchiladas, curry, hamburger, chili, PB&J, store bought bread (it's squishy and soggy. Yuck!), all seafood, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. Okay, I can't think of a lot right now. But the problem is that I dislike a lot of basic foods which causes my mother much misery. And it doesn't help that my younger brother and older sister are both also really picky eaters. But my sister has gotten better. Maybe there's hope for me.

Kay, skipping a few topics because I'm lazy. :)

New Years Resolutions

My main resolution is to get better at not procrastinating. I procrastinate everything. And then at the very last minute I stress out to finish whatever it is that I'm doing. I'm kind of lazy, and I sleep too much when I should be doing other things. So I'd like to be more organized and get things done before I get all stressed out and practically die. That's pretty much it, because that's a HUGE goal to work towards.

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