Monday, January 11, 2010


I have to say that one of my favorite authors is Lois Lowery. I love all of her books that I've read! But if I had to say what my five favorite books are it would be Twilight (I know sad but I do love the books), Breaking Dawn, Uglies, Pretties, and Specials. But then again I do like Messenger, Gathering Blue and The Giver. I just don't know what my five favorite books are.
The five worst books I've read are... well the Romeo and Juliet I read last year was in a book so I am putting that in there, New Moon (just because that book ticked me off), Eclipse (same reason as for New Moon), Extras (because it didn't stick to the other books), and sadly To Kill a Mockingbird. I put sadly because it is such a good book I just don't like it because of the different stuff my teacher made me do while using it.

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