Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Topic 15, Rachael :)

Honestly, I've probably played videogames less than 10 times in my entire life. I've never found them interesting, and they are a waste of time in my opinion. Maybe I just don't like them because I'm horrible at Halo (I always walk into walls and it sucks...) and I've failed everytime I've tried. So, I gave up. Don't need to bother with video games. Who needs them anyway? As for the debate of video games causing violence, I have to agree with that statement. Mind you, I'm not saying that anyone who plays a videogame is going to go out and shoot the first person they see, but I do think that it can cause higher aggression levels. For instance, my little brother has been more aggressive and violent twards me ever since he's started his videogame habits. And he tends to throw things more and more...
So, tell me if I'm wrong: Have you ever seen two children get in a brawl because of a videogame, for any reason? Whether it be that one is losing or the game is violent, it doesnt matter. It's still due to the game! Just a thought, I honestly don't know what I'm talking about. And we all know how much I ramble when I don't know what I'm talking about... ( My Book Presentation, for example.) Lol. Just a thought :)

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