Monday, January 4, 2010

First Topic of the New Year! (Topic #13)

Seems obvious, doesn't it?

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

How would you like this year to be different from last year?  What will you do to make this year different from last year?

Here's my position on New Year's resolutions.

Even though I'm generally against New Year's resolutions, I do feel that the change in year number is appropriate for some changes; in my case, I want to be better about keeping up my own personal blog.  I plan to post to it every two to three days, no less, all year long.  (It's appropriate, by the way, because the blog archive starts a new category on January 1, so there is a genuine dermarcation in this case.  Check the link if you want to make sense of that.)  I swear to finish my second book sometime this year.  I swear I will read no fewer than 78 books this year.  Hopefully more, but definitely no less.  I don't care if I lose weight, though I'd love to get in better shape; but if I do gain weight, it will just mean I ate well, so that's just peachy with me.

What will you change in 2010?

1 comment:

  1. 78 books?! Wow, i dont think ive read that many in my life. Impressive.


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