Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Topics 7-11

Topic 7:

I believe that luck is the same as probability. Luck doesnt change just because you have had many losses or have been very "unlucky" and i do not do anything to preserve my luck. I just think whatever happens happens.

Topic 8:

I think that the priority level should be addressed as someone has already mentioned. I also know practically nothing about how politics work and almost nothing about the Health i can't really have an opinion except to say that we should all be covered with a Health Care if we can't afford it, given were under the age of 18.

Topic 9:

I like eating food, but i havent taken to cooking it yet, but i want to. My favorite food would have to be desert...and fruit. I absolutely hate onions. Olives and mushrooms are ok but I prefer not to eat them. Oh and i like spaghetti.

Topic 10:

I think that our society is getting better in a few aspects like technology education healthcare, and maybe polotics?, but socially we are getting worse...what with all the cellphones and stuff. You use to have to go to your friends house if you wanted to talk to them, now all you have to do is call or text them. We are getting lazy...just look at all of the obese people, their numbers are getting larger by the day.

Topic 11:

Am I happy? Personally i think no one is completely happy because we are all in the persuit of happiness. The Persuit of Happiness is our constitutional right, so i wouldnt say that im depressed but im somewhere between being happy and being indifferent towards whether or not I am. Really I like to be objective towards the notion of happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Last time I went in a 7-11 an angry arabic man yelled at me to get out because I asked if he had any spare rope so I could repair my bike.


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