Monday, January 11, 2010

Topic #14: Books

 In recognition of the nerve-wracking book presentations you all have to make, AND the essay you will be working on, let's make this one nice and easy, shall we?

Name your top five favorite books and/or authors.  Name your bottom three most hated books/authors.  You need to have read the entire book for it to be on the bottom list, because if you gave up after a chapter, you didn't give it a fair chance.  However, if you read one book and liked it at all, and then tried another book by the same author and hated it with the fury of a thousand suns, then put down that author's name and list the hated book, even if you didn't finish it.  Okay?

I have to grade essays right now, but I will come back on and give my list later today.

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