Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a New Year, another chance to get things right

i always make new years resolutions but i'm not that good at keeping them they just slip right out the door,. But this year I am going to try for change because i dont like things and I believe that if you dont like something then you should change it. Anyway a few my new year's resolutions are, I want to finish my self editing my book and get it peer read and edited then find someone to help me get it published, I am going to make sure this year I put a lot of time into my book. I also am going to start reading a lot more like i used too, on average I used to read a book in 1-2 days now it usually takes me like a month cuase i just dont think about it, and I miss my reading so i am going to read more. i also want to work on finishing my other stories and work on turning them into books as well, I have many starters and want to get them going. I have decided that I am going to stop eating junk food, because it is pointless and in the end you feel sick after eating it. I am going to get a job after my 16th birthday, and volunteer a lot at the asisted living facility where i do volunteer work. Get enrolled in online college classes in the summer, and narrow down my choices of where i want to go to school. Lastly, i want to get over being so shy and quiet, I am a better speaker through written words, than spoken words so I am quiet, I want to make more friends and not feel so distant from people. I know I have a lot to accomplish but i will do it all because one I love a challenge and two this year i am going to work hard and not just talk the talk i am going to walk the walk.

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