Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To play or not to play?

Well I'm not very good at video games....sigh.....I cannot play first person shooters to save my life. To all those out there who know what that means I solute you! Anywho well the games that I can play and I don't absolutely fail at are Wii sports, Little Big Planet, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Boom Blocks, and other games that don't include being chased around by some monster thing that wants to kill me :D But my friend is a big gamer (cough Zombie!) and she's like allot of games some of witch I just like to watch because the graphics are so awesome like Final Fantasy, Assassin's Creed, and Kingdom Hearts. I don't like games like Bioshock and Dead Space because they scare me out of my freaking skin :D I feel kind of childish when I say this but I miss playing Pokemon on my game boy. I miss the thrill of catching an Articuno or the sweet victory that comes after you bet the final trainer in the Pokemon league, or even the surprise when your pokemon evolves into the next pokemon in the cycle. Ahhhh.... the good old days. How I miss the so!
Well from my video game experiences I haven't really found any of the games that I played to be horrible in the sense that they are leading American teens in the wrong way but I know some games that are bad in this aspect such as Grand Theft Auto and Bully but hey they are fun to play! But still it teaches kids that it's ok to "bust a cap in his/her ass" or to "take care of your hoes" but who knows I don't play those games. So my question is "To play or not to play?"


  1. Bioshock is really freaky, I don't blame you! It's just so freakin' demented and odd. Fun though if you get into it. I like the doctor characters!

    (Looking over this, I sound like a little kid.)

  2. lol we all are little kids it just depends on how much we let other people know about it lol and no worries u didn't sound nearly as kidish as i did lol

  3. yyesssss!!! Assassins Creed!!!!! woohoo!!!

  4. lol i thought you'd like that lol go Ezio!!! GO!!!!!!


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