Saturday, January 23, 2010

New years resolutions, Books, and video games

New Years Resolutions

I do not usually make new years resolutions, that way i don't have to feel bad when i break them. but if I were to make some they would probably be to try and get good grades for the rest of the year, and to do good in sports and stuff, and maybe to start reading more books. But I don't because I'd rather just enjoy myself and not worry about trying to keep up with the resolutions.


I think that my top 5 favorite books would have to be....

1. The Martian Chronicles

2. The Hobbit

3. I Am Legend

4. It

5. Stardust

Top 3 least favorite books

1. The Wee Free Men

2. Doctor Illuminitus

3. Diadem

these books weren't that bad I just didn't like them.

Video Games

I think that video games can be bad if played much too often like as in almost all the time, but if you are just playing them every once in a while then I don't think it should be a problem, even if they are violent. I think it just depends on the person who is playing the video game. If you are just playing for fun then I wouldn't think that it would be a problem but if you take it way too serious then you might have some issues.

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