Monday, January 18, 2010

A ton of missed blog posts.

Condensing them for the sake of time.

#14 - Books :
5. Ant Farm - Simon Rich
Humor has always been my main source for reading entertainment, and this is a short collection of condensed amazing. The stories aren't very long, but they're beyond absurd.
4. Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief - Rick Riordan
Say what you want about the upcoming movie, but the book its' based on is nothing short of incredible. The greek mythos base, mixed with modern action & humor made for an epic start to a nice franchise.
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J.K Rowling
I'll limit HP to just one entry on the list, with the best being Rowling's finale. The tale comes to one hell of a bang, and it's one of the few books I've ever teared up at. (One of the only others being Half-Blood Prince).
2. Possible Side Effects - Augesten Burroughs
It's hard to choose just one Burroughs book for this list, since his hilarious, twisted, and astonishingly vulgar material is just so perfect to me. Side Effects gets the spot for being the first book I read of his, and how it changed how I see reading. It's modern, it's funny, and out of the normal, while still feeling familiar.
1. Watchmen - Alan Moore
Everything you can assume about comic books, everything you assume about superheroes, is wrong. Deep, controversial, timely, thought-provoking, and a classic in every sense of the word. I don't even need to say why I love it. It's just that good.

#13 - New Years Resolutions
Meh, I've got a few. Loose a little weight, sure. Touch up on the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo? Yeah, I guess. Not suck at Spanish? I suppose.
But there's one New Years Resolution I will stick to. I will not say the word "gargle". Why? Why not say the word "Gargle"? Because I tried doing this a few years ago, and actually got pretty far. But I choked up around May. This year, I'm going all the way. Typing "gargle" is fine. Just not saying it.

#12 - Christmas.
I go down to my Grandmas, and pretend to like my extended family for three days. They aren't miserable, just boring. When two dogs fighting over a pillow is the highlight of Christmas evening, you know you're in something special. Special in a bad way.

#11 - Happiness
I'm a happy person, when I can stop focusing on being happy. If I try and concentrate my day into having a good time, then I just get aggravated at myself for slacking on what needs to be done. Focusing on being productive forces myself into thinking how I don't have enough fun in life. But if I ignore all that, then I can just be blissful in ignorance.

#10 - Direction
It's all relative. Depending on what you value, we could be at the height of our civilization at the moment. For example - technology. We're in the internet era, and changing the way the world communicates. Plus, we have toasters that cook hot dogs & buns at the same time. And a fridge with a TV in it. However if you value the economy, we're obviously at a low. Judging something like morals is even more complicated, as everyone's morals are different. For some, we're revolutionizing freedom of speech. For others, we're falling into madness with laws that subject our children to twisted materials, and screw them up forever.
So it depends who you are, I suppose.

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