Tuesday, January 19, 2010

so about those missing blogs...

Blog #6: Fear
just saying this i feel like i have done this one before but...
Im not really afraid of anything like spiders or snakes. Maybe standing on the edge of a cliff but thats more like exitement than full fledged fear. No the only thing that i can honestly say i am terified of is my phobia that someone will break into our house. I have no idea why i am so affaid of it but when i was a little kid i would have to run into my parents room because i was so freeked out. Now i mostly have learned to control it but i can still stay up till one or two in the morning if i let myself think about it.
Blog #11: Happy/Topic/Testing
Feeling like a do over too...
State testing is a wonderful time of year, it fills my head with butterflies and gumdrops, only because i will do anything to get away from this place. It is however nothing compared to the PSAT that was the worst! The English state testing is probably my least favorite, only because you have to write about what they tell you to write about (three choices, come on really) if it wasn't for that i might have different feelings. It is also the one that i inevitably do the worst on too. :( i just seem to do better in everything else.
Blog #12: Christmas Traditions
ok finally something i know i didn't do
Our family dosen't have a set Christmas tradition much beyond getting a tree and putting presents underneath. we dont even have a set day to decorate it, this year we did on Christmas eve haha. There are some important ornimants that we have with sentimental value that are on the tree every year, but i wouldn't call them a tradition. we usually see my grandparents but two years ago that didn't even happen. More as a joke i made fruit cake just for fun, what an interesting tradition that would be
Blog #13: new years resoluitons
I really only have one, i met some people at wake boarding camp and we kept in touch using this amazing thing called the internet but towards thanksgiving pretty much stopped talking. So my resolution is just to get back talking and see what has happened since we last talked.
Blog #14: Books
from least to best
#5: Uglies by, Scott Westerfeild
#4: Anthem by, Ann Rand
#3: Ice Station by, Mathew Rielly
#2: Eregon and series by, Christopher Paolini
#1: Hatchet by, Gary Paulson

from worst to burning
#3:none for this spot i like most books :D
#2: Wale rider by, Witi Tame Ihimaera
#1: Spanish book, by a really sick person
and finally...
Video games, i play em every once in a while but not as much as most i would think. A fun non-productive use of time that in my opinion gets a little to much harp. I mean sure if you play a violent video game your more likely to have a "violent" nature in life. heck we learned about it in psychology today. But as coming from a true senior, it depends on how impressionable the person is. for me.. i am one of those crazy people who hates the killing aspect and i will only be violent to save my live. and in both fable games i was as pure and good as you can be all the way through both games. haha. where as my little brother masacres entire villages and steals everything he needs.. and he has probable been effected. there are ways to get past the violence, it just depends on how much you can handle it...

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