Thursday, June 10, 2010


Since the beggining of this year i have learned alot about myself and became more confident and less worried about talking to people. I have made alot of new friends and some that have became good friends. I have accomplished alot of my personal goals this year.

Next year and this summer i hope to have a great year and alot memories. Im not worried about being a junior exept i would like to improve my grades some. Im looking forward for football games to start and am just exited for all of the things junior year my bring.

If i had one wish i would probly wish to see what kind of things the future has for me but then again i like the suprises that happen in life but i think it would be nice if your feeling low to be able to know that it's not always going to feel like it.

Alright so i guess im going to try to type for five minutes straight with no editing but i think i can just keep randomly saying things im watching the NBA finals right now or atleast its about to start . Im kinda worried i think im getting my hair cut for gold beach into a mohawk but i know im gona look ridiculous. i can believe that this is the last blog and we only ahave a few days left of school in are sophmore year. Im trying to type kinda slowly and i only have like a minute left. Im doing pretty good for not getting to edit but thier the five minutes up

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