Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last topic

damn theres not a whole lot i've accomplished, well i geuss ive grown a little bit in some areas,as do every year though so theres not a whole lot new still. memories typically stand out best when you have emotion so sadly the only thing i really remember, and i dont even remember it that well, is me getting mad at Mr. humphrey for justify-ing abortion by saying that the chances are really low that people will get pregnant, so its not there fault.most people that had said anything about it to me tryed to say that it was there body or its not alive or other stuff that i found stupid actually a couple of people tryed to say that the babys a parasite which pissed me off and i replyed if there is a sybiotic relationship then it is mutualism because the mother got off in exchange.besides that you get a fucking child the only freaking innocent and pure thing in the world in my eyes. of course until stupid parents raise them to be little shithead teenagers, anyways, i just couldnt understand him saying its ok because theres a large chance that it wont happen, and it pissed me off.Its still there fault. they took that chance.Yeah, jonah needs to be less judgemental, its sad that there is nothing really memorable, but thats how it is. whats even more sad though is that i probably wont make anything out of next year, wow,ill probably try and just adjust the many imperfections that i have. if you've read any of my previous blogs you wont be surorised that id wish to be a father and husband later in life, i geuss if i could soon id take that too but i find it sickening the age people are having sex these days. were still kids for fucks sake why are we getting pregnant, were not even fully developed!

anyways onto the last part by twirl do you mean in your chair or stand up and twirl ahhh whom cares . shit well im watching emily right now sort of shes supposed to be cleaning her room so every minute or so i get up to make sure shes not playing with her toys (which most of the time she is) once sheas donr thou gh which will probably be in a n hour i can play with her though . well maybe ill write the lyrics to a the song im listening too right now until the next two minutes are over...

oh its screaming by the way so imagine angry music-

your only out to lose your self in a whirlwind of hedonistic sunsoaked booze drenched depraved fornication
whree-where is your spine its been quite some time since it packed irts shit up and t left you behind
weve all been fooled
into believing your well
i was crazy to think you had a chanc in hell.
times up a kind of want to finish the song though but i have to get back to folding the laundry i could write a little bit more though because ive had a bunch of half ass ones throughout the year .

i think of my brother jake when i listen to that song because i idlized him for most i of my years and recently i think hes been acting like an idiot. i found it ironic that humphrey posted a topic for giving up and when we should and such when i was trying to deal with jake, well i still am.
thats all i geuss, i dont think i did too bad wit spellin but i always forget to puncuater
have a good summer

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