Sunday, June 6, 2010

Topic #16

#1: I watched Alice and Wonderland, or whatever that new movie is this weekend, and the Mad Hatter said something that I really liked:"You've lost your muchness" I think that we could tell what our muchness is, and if we lost it, what would we do. Idk though.

#2: My Mission Statement
My goal is to go to college, not do stupid things, and get a pre med degree, and then continue on to a pharmaceutical job. I will accomplish this by never drinking, smoking, or doing anything else to harm myself or others, and focusing on doing my best at academics while in h.s, applying to college, and then getting accepted and going. This will make me a better member of society, and better able to make proper decisions for myself, and my children/posterity, and allow me to better assess situations. It will allow me to feel good about myself, and to be happy.

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