Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Topic 15 & 16 - Grant P.

For the recored this shouldn't be considered late as it was put up today even if was after you looked at everyone elses, but regardless i'm getting them done. First i'll tackle 15 so i did some outside research on the mission statement but im confused still so don't be expecting the next great quote.
Part 2.
I will ensure that I am responsible, even if it is difficult
I will ensure that I am respectful of other, even if they are wrong
I will ensure that I am Polite, Curdious, and Hardworking.

I will strive for excallance, even if i only become average
I will strive to become the best I can be
I will strive to topple those who stand in my way to achieve my goall

I will become the best there is, and I will best everyone who thinks otherwise.
=P well that sounds really stupid now that i write it but w/e it's out there so im done
Part 1. I am not so sure what a better topic would be than to jst reflect on the year as you have chosen but if I had to create a diffrent topic it would be to tell of something that you wish you could of redone or done diffrently.

I really wouldn't know hot to sum up the year or even really begin to describe it; fun, quarky, strange, ackward at times, stressful, but overall it was good i wouldn't have changed all that much. I would of wish I had done some things here and there but most of all I had a damn good year I got a 3.6 I think or something closeish to that so kudos to me and I liked my teachers so that's a plus. As for the class itself it was fun, never boring, and very very very unique to say the least I had a great time and some fun memories like: "Buy american Heroin!" or the time pay taught the class or my personall favorite the you a nazi arguement for the confederate flag. I wasn't a Huge supporter of the blog throughout the year only because I forget to blog sometimes and that doesn't help my grade much but I liked sodme of the activites that got me thinking about abnormal stuff. O and heres a link the the comercial about the jean snuggies if anyone wanted to see it
--------------->http://youtube.com/watch?v=hh00damP67w <--------

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