Tuesday, June 8, 2010

!42! THE LAST BLOG TOPIC!!!!11!!!1!

In honor of The Simpsons, whose day tomorrow is (June 9!  Mark your calendar!  Celebrate by watching 42 episodes of the Simpsons!), we will begin with a quote from Kang and Kodos:

"We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

Look back on the last year -- in this class, on this blog, in school as a whole, and outside of school as well.  What do you feel you have accomplished?  What memories stand out?  What would you change, if you could?

Now that you have looked back, look forward: what are you hoping for next year?  What are you giddy with anticipation about?  What changes, if any, will you make?

Now that you have looked back, look upwards:  Make a genie wish.  (Magic lamp, genie, only one wish here.  No wishing for more wishes, no wishing for world peace.)

And now twirl!  Write for five minutes without stopping.  Don't edit, don't delete, don't stop.  Anything that comes to mind.

1 comment:

  1. what I've accomplished this year is ...passing sophomore year! I'm so happy its done:) i think the only thing id change is how i slacked off the first semester i shouldve done what was expected and i know i couldve done it a lot better.

    i hope that next year i can get the classes i want and enjoy them unlike this last year, i chose a metals class and i swear its the worst class ive ever taken its not the subject so much but the way the class works and the teacher. other than that i liked my classes this year. and for the summer im super excited to go to California for a month at my dads, go to cheer camp for the first time, and spend more time with my awesome grandma!

    my one and only wish would be that my my family wouldn't have to worry about money at all. like to win the lottery!=]

    ugh i hate writing already especially when i dont really have a topic given to me to write about i guess I'm not so much of a free spirited writer. i dont know why but i think writing is kinda personal. I'm not so sure why but i dont like having people read my writing.


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