Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last one! Sad Day!

I don't know. I have definetly changed since the begining of the year. I feel....more self fulfilled, I guess. I know mysefl better. I know what I really can and can't do. I've had my first panic attack/hysteria fit. That was weird. I've met alot of new people, and even became friends with some of them. I definetly learned how to think, thank you, Mr. Humphrey!!!

I'm hoping for forgiveness, and I really want to grow out of the people that I'm with right now. They're holding me back, and that's not cool. I also want to take more leadership-typey things. I want to feel good about myself, and be better about not doing stupid things. I want to take things lighter, and not freak out.

I think that I'm going to have to go with what Will said, I would wish for happiness. That's what I, personally, aim for, and it seems really cool. Either that, or I would wish that I had way awesomer music capabilities. Like, I could arrange a Star Wars version of Pomp and Circumstance..... :D

Ugh, I'm not going to lie, I cah'en't looked forward to this at all. I hate to do things that I can't erase. I guess that's why I"m typing a little bit slowe. Ugh, ky music just stopped. I hate this not editing thing. I guess with the seniors graduating, it's made me think a little bit more anout what I'm going to do in cooledge. I'm really nervous. I don't know, for sure what I want to be. I't s a little bit nerve wraking, and I hate it. But this summer, I'm going to the coolege that I want to go to , so taht willl ne good. Do you know what really bugs me? wWhn stupid people try to annyo you m adn they think that they know you, and they're just annoying, and you want to straingle them, and you have to seit by them for two ohours. That's what bugs me. Theu thing abotu this tyoping thing, is that when i think about it is when I make the most mistakes. When I'm not htinkging about it, tha't swhan I screw up the most.

Wootwoot! I'm done!

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