Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm really late with this.

Seriously. 11:20 PM Wednesday. Technically speaking, I've got 40 minutes before this is late. YES.

Back : This class has been.. interesting. Honestly, the past few LA classes I've been in have been annoying. Last year, too much busy-work writing. Year before that, a teacher who in my opinion went a little TOO far to be the "friendly inspirational English teacher" from a bad teen movie. But this year? I liked it. Humphrey, you're a good teacher. Entertaining without ever feeling overly quirky. I wasn't a big fan of some of the literature we had to read, but NBD.

Foward : This being June 16th, it means yesterday was the Nintendo E3 Press conference. Which means currently, I'm shaking with nerd energy over the Nintendo 3DS - a bloody 3D handheld system. No glasses, just METAL GEAR SOLID 3 IN THREE DIMENTIONS. But that's completely irrevelant to an English class, so let's jump to something real. I'm looking foward to next year, mainly because I'll only be taking classes I'm genuinely interested in. Spanish - GONE. My GPA will no longer be a golden lifeboat tied down with a lead anchor. Instead it will have gold anchor - still a bad idea for an anchor, especially considering the fact that an inflatable lifeboat doesn't need one. A golden lifeboat is an entirely stupid idea, in fact. Metal foil is delicate.

Upwards : I have no idea how "looking up" = A wish, but I'll list my 3 wishes here. YES THREE. There's never been a genie in history only giving away ONE wish. Well, there's never been a genie in history period (RECORDED history, at least). But regardless - genie wishes.
First wish - A pen and paper. This way, I can write down the wish - ensuring that the genie gets ALL of it.
Second Wish - This is the backup wish. On the offchance he doesn't like my third one, and vanishes out of anger. So I'd wish for the ability to back up time. Not by much - I don't want to screw something up. If I only can go back 5 minutes, I can't do any serious dammage to the time-space continuum. But what's the purpose in only going back in time 5 minutes you ask? Horse races, I reply. By the end of the day, I could turn $50 into riches. I then bet it all on the Kentucky Derby, get discovered, thown in an Area 51 jail cell, break out with a lovable gang of mutant misfits, and then go on to win the National Spelling Bee. Speilberg will direct.
Third Wish - Ability to grant my own wishes. Not become a genie mind you, just gain wish-granting powers. I then become a supervillian in the sequel to Wish #2.

Twirling : An idea of my own birth, and I'm now regretting it. I've backspaced twice, and now I[m not even looking at the screen. Just at the jkeybopard, desperately trying to not notic all the horrific typos. Plus, Top Gear is on in hte background. TOP GEAr. It's a british car show that's not too british, and notto.. car. Juast 3 funny people, taslking about cars and being general pricks to each other. Is pricks accebable ina schol blog. You have no ida how many tim e to I want sweat want to. GOOD GO D THAT SENTICE IS BAD. Swwet Jesus, this is awful. WHAT HAVE I DONE. But to conclude, I made chilli today. it sucksed. Crap this is only two minutes. AWWWWHHHHHHH.. I also make Cinnemon bun pancakes. SO AMAZING. LIKE PURE GREATNESS IN YOUR MOTHE. They were even covered in icing. IO made then around 11 though, so it doesn't count as breakfast. Or lunch. Or Brunch. Or Brinner. Or Linner. Or Leckfast. Or Supper. Is supper even a thing? Has anybody legitimately had ":Supper"? ONE MINUTE EFT YES. SO to conclude agaio, I've abckspace. that like 10 time snow, maybe more. zTotally guessing. Blah blah blah That came out what to clean. William sa\hater's on the tV boxz

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