Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Looking back on this year, it was okay.
I took honors for the first time, i could've done better..
I want to do better next year. I made more friends(;
But, i also lost some..
Sports, i lettered in 2 out 3. I'm happy with the progress i've made.
I went to districts, and placed 5th in Triple Jump.

I'm looking forward to summer. (:
I also need to start driving hahaha.
I am going camping a lot this summer, and that's always fun.
I'm looking forward to seeing friends, and making new ones.

I wish that I do better next year, because i know i'm capable.
I wish to just be happy.

I don't really know what to talk about for five minutes, but here it goes.
I'm sitting at home doing nothing ha. I'm watching princess diaries. I can't believe that schools out already, i feel like we just started. It's gonna be scary being a junior! Maybe we'll do bettter at pep assemblies if people would participate once and a while. The lakers beat boston last night. That sucks aha. I'm hungry.. hmmm what to eat, i kinda want brownies. I'm excited for volleyball camp in july! Hopefully theirs not gonna be a whole bunch of drama, but houses full of girls...vurtually impossible. I just want to get better! I don't know what position i'm going to be playing, hopefully left back. Well, one minute left. Finals were'nt to bad this year. I did good on my biology test. mr. Prunty is my favorite! I drew him a doodle, and he gave me like 20 points extra credit(: haha well, times up.

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