Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More Late Blogs!

Topic 9: Battle of the Sexes
I think women have it tougher in society because they have always been "at the bottom" of things. They gey labeled "over emotional" or.. "crazy"  I think men are better at solving problems then women because they can keep cool about things and not think about it on an emotional side. Women are better at reading people. I think men wouldn't be able to handle a world without women. Haha.

Topic 10: Hidden Wonder
I think people DO see mystery and wonder in the world.. But they walk on by because it's sometimes too good to be true, or along those lines. People usually think that theres always a catch to something good. Like dating, it has to end one way or another. Orrr those free samples you hear about on the radio. They ask for your email address so they can spam you (usually)

Topic 11: I think I already did this one?

Topic 12: Responsibility
Well... I do agree with the legal terms of responsibility because theres no point in disagreeing, it's the law and they wont change it. If you had the chance to prevent something from happening vut you didnt stop it, then yes I think you were partly responsible for whatever happened. For the stabbing of the guy, I think whoever was involved was responsible. I can't even imagine why those people didnt stop and help that guy? It seems odd to even think about.

Topic 13: Gremlins (Technology)
Technology CAN be a good thing but sometimes its better left to the old fashioned style. If you're crunched for time to read a book, but it has a movie version out, then you could watch that. Or if you feel like relaxing, read the book. Me personally, I like having written journals better then blogs because I always forget to do my blogs! This is proof. Technology IS making people have not as good as memories as we have before in the past. Back then, if you wanted a friends number, you had to REMEMBER it. Now, we can just look in our cell phones and get it out. I have a feeling in the future, it'll make everyone more lazy and probably dumb too. It reminds me of that movie Wall-E. That movie has a lot of truth in it.

Topic 14: Did it! :D

Topic 15: No Retreat, No Surrender
You should give up when you lost. And you can keep fighting if you KNOW you're right and you have a full proof way of proving it. You should never surrender the truth, freedom, beauty, and love (well maybe not love because you cant really KEEP trying to make someone love you) ( Moulin Rouge anyone? :) )

Topic 16: Mission Statements
I will go to Hawaii Pacific University and major in marine biology. I will become successful and discover a new species. I will live in an old white farm house by the beach in a tropical state (or country!) I will have a wonderful husband who likes to travel with me when I go on the field. I will do yoga every morning and be healthy. I will be a successful photographer and own my own gallery. I will be in a comfortable financial situation. And I will live a happy and exciting life.

Topic 17: Last Blog!!
This past year I feel that I have accomplished so many different things. I feel that I have grown more confident in myself and I can actually get up in front of a class and speak! Doing the apprentice )even though it was like hell on earth) helped me a lot. And even though I was stressed about it MONTHS afterwards, it all payed off in the end. I won the competition with a 1000 dollar scholarship and gained confidence in the skills I need in life. I discovered a new sport that I love, which is tennis, and I lost a few friends, gained a lot of friends, and grown closer to old friends. I had a few relationships that taught me a lot about myself. (well maybe not ALL of them) and I was sad that they ended. But oh well! It's not like it's gonna matter 10 years from now anyways! Outdoor school was an experience I will never ever forget. It was an incredible week and I made such close friends in 4 days. By the end it felt like we were family even though we hardly knew anything about eachother. We didnt have the high school social statuses to put road blocks up.
       For the future I hope I will have more rewarding experiences and hopefully gain a lot more friends! I am going to try and get a job this summer and I'm going to do soccer again this summer as well. I'm very excited to become a junior, but I'm also anxious to get the heck out of here! I want to travel in Italy! But anyways, I cant wait to get my own car either. If that ever happens. This summer will be a lot of fun, I'm hoping. I have a pretty good feeling it will. So I am ending this blog with a thank you to Mr. Humphrey :) Thanks for being there all year and a laid back teacher at that! I know sometimes we got under your skin buuuut the year is over and youre free from us :D

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