Monday, June 14, 2010

And in the end, the love you make is greater than the love you take

Looking back it’s been a good year. I feel like this is the first year that it’s been the first year that I’ve had a somewhat normal experience, and it’s kind of the last year that I’ll have that. So I’m glad that I’ve been able to experience high school that way. I’ve enjoyed it, there’s no doubt, but I also encountered drama for my first time, which I guess is normal, but it wasn’t exactly enjoyable. I’m proud to say that for the most part I’ve avoided drama (or as Humphrey calls it: crap) and I think I’ll intend to continue that.

Looking forward I’m excited. ONE MORE YEAR OF PRISON, oh, I mean high school. And I know this next year I will be more focused on my school work. My distraction will be living in Bend which will help me get things done better. I hope not to procrastinate as much, start cleaning out my room before I head to college and I hope to become more organized.

Looking up I wish that I felt loved and accepted by my family not just a tool to make them look good.

Alright I’m spiraling I don’t really know what to talk about, I mean I am really tired and looking forward to summer, that’s for sure!!!!!!!!!!! I have one summer left before I have to start worrying about ma packing and going to college. So I plan to make the best of it. Of course I’ll be loaded down with my work from summer school, but you take what you get. I really want to go to bed and I really hope I pull my stuff together and get the garade I need in this class. I can only hope that I do. I think I did okay on the test, gradnted I have done better on tests before, but worse things have p happened then not to doing perfect on a test. Life goes by fast but I’m enjoying it. It’s turning intoa whirl wind and it’s a crazy ride, but I’m enjoying every last second of it. Seriously I just wanna turn out the ti lights right now, but I won’t. I’ll keep writing because I’m a good girl. I went shopping yesterday that was fun, almost as fun as giving random funning I mean funny shartpie tattoos. One more minute. Score then I can stope and get the sleep I so depesperately need. I got skiny jeans for like 50 dollars off, I’m pretty proud. It’s now 11:11 so I’m done and can make a whish but I think I’ll keep it to muy sefl so there is a chance of my wish coming true. GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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