Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Last Blog - Will C.

Looking back on this year, I'm pretty content. The only thing that really pisses me off is that I didn't get a 4.0, especially because my older brother is about to graduate as valedictorian. For this, I hate spanish, but it was actually really fun, because I sat next to Nate and Cole and Josh. (could that be connected to my bad grade?) Nah. I made some new friends, Sam Rose and Kyle Roby. They're both really short, though. Weird. Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and we got alpacas. So then, looking ahead. I pretty much just did this with my mission statement, but whatever. Maybe I'll do it for real this time. I'll probably go to OSU or U of O or something. I'd like to go to the same college as Cole, because I don't really know how I'd do without him. We've never really been apart before. I just don't know if Cole will be accepted to Harvard... Oh well. Next year, though. I'm kind of upset about that, because I still don't have any electives. Just between band and spanish. And I really want to take Pre-engineering, too. What's more, I haven't taken any P.E. at all, so I'll have to do that. I really hope I don't have to do that with Freshmen... Anyway, five minutes of typing. Alright. I'm not really sure what to type about, so I'll tell you about our alpacas. We got two of them, one is named Captain Chaos and the other is Shogun. (We did not choose the names, they came with the alpacas.) Chaos is really cool, he follows you around and eats out of your hand, but Shogun is a loser. He just hides behind Chaos all the time. They don't really get along with our dog, so we have to build a new pen for him. (He used to live in the field, but now the alpacas have it.) So yeah, Chaos is dark brown and Shogun looks like a camel. Stupid Shogun. Before we got the alpacas, we spent a couple weekends building them a huge shed. Now, when it rains, they stand in the opposite corner of the field and get drenched. Silly alpacas. Woop, time up.

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