Sunday, February 28, 2010


I don't particularly enjoy playing sports. They're fun to watch, but I'm athletically challenged. :) I do think they're a good thing though. I really wish my mom had put me in sports when I was younger. The only sport I've done in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE is swim team in fourth grade. And I absolutely despise swimming. But I like watching it. What's wrong with me? I think I would like to play sports a lot more if I'd been doing so ever since I was a little one. Sports teach teamwork and discipline. Both of those are good things to have. But I also think they're an important part of a lot of people's lives. There are a lot of people who think it's fun to play sports, and they like the adrenaline and competitiveness.
Just like with any celebrity, the "sports stars" can get away with a lot of things that the average citizen can't. I think it's wrong that we think of movie stars, singers, and pro-athletes as special. Their lives might be publicized, but that doesn't mean they can do anything they want. Breaking the law is still breaking the law, even if you're rich and famous. But at the local level (any level that isn't publicized, pretty much) sports are still good. Kids need the values they learn from being on a team.
I think the olympics are awesome. I know that some of the participating countries are doing bad things. Even the athletes do things they shouldn't. But I feel it's important for everyone to come together and try our hardest to forget about eachother's faults. It's about being unified, even if the olympics only last for a few weeks. I think it's really special when athletes from different countries can congratulate their competitors after they've just lost an important race.
The more that I think about it, I think maybe we should only have community teams, not public school teams. Having school teams puts all this rivalry between schools. If I mention that I have friends from a different school, most likely I'll hear at least one person complain about that school. I don't know about you, but that just doesn't seem cool to me.
Now to define sport. Yay. When I think of sports, I think of things that make me sweaty and grumpy and are way to competitive for my liking. But to be more technical, a sport is some sort of physical activity where you compete, either against yourself or another person, to reach a goal. I know that's not very specific, but who cares. Personally, I don't consider dancing a sport, but that's mostly because I like to dance and I don't want to associate it with sports. And I'm a brat. But I guess it could be one too.

Sports!-(Second Time)

I think that sports are a good thing because they give people something to do, a way to have fun and excercise at the same time. They benefeit people in more ways than amuesement because they provide a good healthy excercise, and in some cases, a livelyhood. Even if they were just pasttimes, whats wrong with that? I don't think sports have gone bad, I just think that some people have got more obsessed and passionate about them. Intense, rather. So they feel like they have to be the best, and then take steroids. They might feel like a whole community is counting on them, and that they have to do good. So they take roids. I still think that sports provide something good for kids, although sports players are not necessarily the best role models. And what's wrong witht the Olympics?? Nothing! As for the death on the luge track, it was his fault. He took a bad turn. I'm not saying it wasn't sad, Im just saying that it wasn't the saftey coordinators fault. And yes, China should've cleaned up their act before we held the Olympics there. That I can agree with. We should've held it in India. And the dirty photos? Thats just retarded. She shouldn't not be allowed to participate just because of that. That's her own choice. And it doesn't affect her sport skill any.

A sport is a game that has a legitament set of rules, and is recognized nationally as being a sport,. and has it's own playing feild.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I think that sports are a good thing, but maybe that is because of how much I like to play sports... well soccer. I don't think that I can say anything about professional sports because I don't watch them nor do I know any of the players name. Be completely serious watching football games such as the superbowl I base who I want to win on names, uniforms, or who the people around me want to win. But back to the topic of sports being good of bad.
I think that sports can help children with working in teams and just give them something fun to do. There is no harm in that. I also believe that sports should be in public schools because people like to play sports and some can't afford to play on a privet team. Also with all the other activities allowed in school it wouldn't be right to not allow sports.
And yes I am proud of the U.S.A. team at the Olympics.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Humphrey's Favorite Movies

Favorite movies of all time: I like the series, I like fantasy and science fiction, I like historical epics. Therefore my favorite movies include: The Lord of the Rings; The Matrix trilogy; Braveheart; Star Wars (All six of 'em -- all you nitpicking whiners can shut the heck up); Pleasantville (One of the finest social satires ever made); and The Simpsons movie. Oh, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Best movie I've seen in the last month of two: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Made me laugh harder than I have at a movie in quite a while.  I also like the message.

Favorite action scene: My favorite guy-flick is either The Godfather or Pulp Fiction. Both do a wonderful job of switching between brilliant real-life dialogue, and savage movie violence. My favorite single action scene is the scene in The Matrix when Neo and Trinity go to rescue Morpheus from the Agents.
Favorite romantic scene: The final production of Romeo and Juliet in "Shakespeare in Love." And the farewell afterwards. Brilliant and heartwrenching.

Favorite quote: Oh, there are so very many I can't possibly pick one. My absolute favorite is probably the Communist peasant in "Holy Grail."

Favorite guilty pleasure movie: Conan The Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer. But I could include the following:

Naked Space  (If you like Leslie Nielsen, you MUST find a copy of this movie.)
Army of Darkness
The Brave Little Toaster
Summer School (Oh, so bad. But I had a tremendous crush on one actress who was in this one, so it goes on the list.)
Cobra (You're the disease, and I'm the cure.")

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sorry for the late posts Mr H

i can only get online at my friends house so i cant do these every weekend (staying the night tonight and saturday.)
My favorite movie of all time is probably 13 ghosts because i love horror movies and thats the best one i think i have seen. I havent watched a movie in the past month or two. My favorite action is probably live free or die hard 4 "Have patience young grasshopper." i think thats how it goes and i dont have a favorite guilty pleasure movie.


Yes i think sports is good. It helps to keep us healthy and active along with letting us have fun competing and showing our skills. I think public schools should all have sports to keep the students healthy (as said above) and I am very proud of our accomplishments in the Winter Olympics. I also do not mind Bejiing hosting the Summe Games.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rachael- Sports.

I think that sports ARE a good thing, to an extent. People who get really worked up about sports have something positive to like. And kids who play sports are less likely to get into trouble with drinking and drugs. I do think that sports are overrated, however. College Football for example, those men go out there and make millions, while the doctors working in Haiti right now are getting little to nothing, and working much hard. AND they are working for a good cause. I dont think they should get paid as much as they do. It bugs me that doctors get paid less than professional athletes. They are SAVING LIVES, not tackeling a fellow 400 pound hamburger and making a mob of obnoxious people screech like baboons. I do believe that sports should be a part of schools, they keep kids out of trouble. And it is a positive way to relieve stress. I define a sport as anything that is challenging and fun. For example, Golf. Sport. I dont care who says its a "hobby". There is ALOT more to things like that than a alot of people know.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Oh the things a weak, lanky Drama nerd with a way with words could say about sports. Were this an 80's teen movie, my response would be rather predictable - detest, covered in pants-wetting fear. But in reality, I don't really want sports. Or love them. I don't even follow any major sports - I watch the Olympics & the Super Bowl, but that's about it. I don't play anything competetively, even.

Yet I consider myself a damn-near-dangerously competitive person. In any sort of class competition, when I care - I REALLY CARE. Slap-you-across-the-face-for-screwing-up CARE. I'll put everything in my soul to get a project done, and if it doesn't meet my absolutely stupid levels of perfection, it's in the trash. The competition was stupid in the first place. I'm either in something to the point of staying up for days at a time, or I cold care less. This is the sort of problem drugs were invented for.

So that's why I don't play sports. For if I did, I'd be stuffing myself with steroids like they were Ho-Hos. Even competitive gaming would take me down a road of self-destruction.

And that my friends, is how I can convince myself to keep myself off any sort of athletic sports team. Huzzah!


For me sports are a huge part of my life whether it be playing them or watching them., but it isn't quite life, sports are my escape from everything else, but they are also the last things on my to-do list and usually are the first things to go when i am doing too much. I have been involved in sports since i was 5. I think that professional sports though can be overrated, I like to watch football on TV and i like to watch professional sports but i hate all the super stars who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. I think that sports are better when they are recreational and are not very competitive. I don't think sports should be something that people have to do, because some people are good at sports and some people are not so if you want to play them then its your choice. I think schools should offer sports because it makes it easier for kids to do them and it keeps them from doing bad things after school. Sports are also a good social event and teamwork experiences for those who have the same passions. I love watching the Olympics because I like to see the variety of sports, I don't think they should of had the 2008 Olympics in Beijing because of how bad China was, and what people do are their own problems and they shouldn't be publicized, keep that information private. For myself I think sports should be a fun experience and not so competitive that it isn't fun anymore, because I have experienced both and i would take the fun goof off sports over the extremely competitive.


Well I don't really have an opinion. Sports are good but they are also bad sometimes. I use to play soccer until I broke my leg twice...after that it kind of wasn't that important anymore. I mean hey team sports are good cuse you get lo learn how to work together as a team, but sports aren't everything. I feel stupid sometimes when people are talking about sports cuse I have no idea what they are talking about, but oh well i guess....what can you do? I like watching the Olympics sometimes but it was absolutely not OK to show that guy dying on national's not so much the fact that it was gut wrenching but rather the fact that do you think his parents watched it? How would you feel if you saw a family member of yours fly through the air and hit a huge concrete pole and dye? I would feel like anyways yes sports are good but they always have that possibility of going horribly wrong, so it kind of all depends on the person who plays them. After my leg broke I made the decision to focus on other things. I think of sports as something to do as a pass time not a requirement.

And They're Off!!

In my opinion, the Olympics are the only thing that can make America and China sit down together. The thing that's sad is that it's watching people who are in better shape than them kick peoples butts at random sports, while they're sitting on a couch.
I love sports. I'm all up for people killing themselves over a ball. I would do all the sports I could, if I could. I don't really like school sports, and I think that it's all a conspiracy theory. But that's just me.
Sure, people hurt themselves, but I don't know. I know that I screwed my body up playing sports. And it sucks. But that's my fault(sort of). It's one of those things that if you really want to not get hurt, then don't play. There's a risk involved in it.


i still dont like them but!!, i think they are crap and people die!! for example, look at the poor chap from georga!! the poor sucker didnt even know what hit him. a concrete column!! thats what!! no they are not positive and i know lots of people that get hurt playing them!! so suck on that! thank you... no really i use to play soccer and though i got skinny playing it, it was boring as heck. i dont get why people like it and why they think it is important. if you want to work out, then go to a gym! its very simple really. actually i dont have a problem with the sport itself, just the people who play them think its the best thing in the world and they wont stop talking about it! and that just annoys me a lil' bit. and thats what i think about sports!

evil sports

i hate sports... the end


In my oppinion sports are good because if you like them you're getting excercise so yes they do benefit us but if they cause your brain to suffer they can be harmful also a lot of injuries are caused by it and for me i can live without sports on TV


My favorite movie of all tim would have to be Cellular just because it is non stop action and very suspenseful. the best movie i have seen recently would have to be Avatar less because of the plot and more for the special effects(i feel like it is one of those movies that was cool in theatres but if i got it and watched it at home it wont be that good). my favorite action movie scene is from Taken where he is talking on the phone to the person who kidnapped his daughter and he says "I don't know who you are i don't know what you want but what i can tell you i have a particular set of skills skills that would make the world a nightmare for people like you so if you let my daughter go that will be the end of it i wont persue you i wont come after you but if you don't i will come after i will find you and i will kill you" "GOOD LUCK" now my favorite chick flick scene is in Legally Blonde in the manicure place when they are practicing the bend and snap. now my guilty pleasure movie is pride and prejudice

Monday, February 22, 2010


I have been playing sports for as long as i can remeber. Trying to do what my brother did. I think sports are good for the most part like making kids active. Sports also can teach people teamwork, and responisibility. I think the olympics are a good thing they bring the world together for the most part besides a few countries that refuse to compete with each other. I think sports should definantly be allowed in public schools i dont think it should be the main importance but i think it does give the students to do something else.

Sports n' Stuff - Grant P.

Sports are a pastime if they were anything more the Olympics would be heald year round and would be manditory for the hoi polloi(common folk). I do beleive they are a fun hobby or however your choose you choose to categorize them I do not personally take part in most sports as i'm not athletic in any sence or would like to be. Some sports are forced upon me by my parental being such as swimming, taekwondo, adn biking but if they pay for it I might as well humor them. I think public school sports are a great way to become more social and is a great way to interact with your peers. I am against the whole uprising in steroids and other drugs in the athletic industry. The human body is a very comlex clockwork machine and simply adding or messing with the initial balane of minerals and such is not always in your best intret yet countless athletes must go about enhancing themselfs using steroids Im all for eating nanners and apples to be heallthy but when you start popping medical grade pills daily to increase muscle mass some little red flags SHOULD be popping up in your head.

On another note I have to disagree with Mr H. I like people wtching and althought most peoples physical everday actions are the "norm" when they decide to be nonconformist or w/e they stick out like a sore thumb and thats what is really interesting and most peoples physical outbursts are catastrophic failures and end in rather entertaining flurrys of fist and obscene gestures.

Sports - Will C.

Sp0rts are a great thing. They m0tivate kids t0 get 0ut and run ar0und and gr0w strong, and they are a great way to gain friends and learn h0w to work 0n a team. Public sp0rts? Great! I just d0n't think that they define how distinguished your sch00l is, and pe0ple get t00 worked up ab0ut them. It is, after all, just a game. The 0lympics are even better, because they bring all the w0rld t0gether t0 c0mpete, and that's really c00l. Just because a few pe0ple are c0rrupt 0r whatever d0esn't mean that it's a bad thing. The luge death? 0mG!!!!1! It was a fluke, alright. That's 0ne casualty f0r the 0lympics, and 5oo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo f0r the rest 0f the w0rld. Get 0ver it. T00 bad ab0ut China, but if we have t0 wait until they're perfect they'll never h0st an 0lympics. And after all, what else are they g0ing t0 use all 0ur m0ney f0r? (He's racist...)


I like sports. I think they are good for kids, because they get them outside, get them moving around, and give them something to watch on TV. Yeah you could speculate about all the bad things sports do, but all in all, I think sports do more good than bad.Like for instance, tennis started today!! Im excited! Now I have something to do. Other than my stupid homework. Ugh. I have so much right now. I dont really feel like arguing too much or even typing anything worthwhile right now. Sports are good. Olympics are good. Im freakin tired. Maybe Ill post something later, IDK.

!42! Topic #4: Sports! Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah!

There isn't really a good theme to play off of concerning the literature this week, unless you want to talk about good and evil (and if you REALLY don't care at all about sports one way or the other, you may use that as the topic: do you think there are absolutes when it comes to good and evil?  Or is it all relative?  What makes something good, and what makes something evil?  What makes a PERSON good or evil, overall?  Have fun with that.), so I thought we could talk about something that has been dominating the world stage of late, because of the Olympics: sports.

So my question is, do you think sports are a good thing?  Do they benefit people in a more meaningful way than amusement, or are they simply pastimes?  If they are simply pastimes, is that enough to make them good?

Have sports gone bad in recent years, between criminal athletes like Michael Vick and (apparently) the entire Oregon football team, and the steroid use that seems to have taken over every major American sport?  Or are they still something good, providing positive experiences for the fans and good role models for kids?  (This is assuming you think sports were EVER something good.)

Do you think the Olympics are good, or have the various issues with the athletes and the games (Such as the Summer Games being hosted by Beijing, despite China's horrid and ongoing human rights violations, or the American snowboarder who was sent home for posting dirty pictures on the internet, or the death on the luge track this year) made them no better than the average, everyday sporting events?  Are you proud of the American achievements in the Olympics?

Do you think sports should be a part of public schools?

Finally: can you define, either with explanations or through clear examples, exactly what is a sport and what is not?

Responses before next Monday, March 1, please.

Elements of Humphrey

I think my elemental symbol should be Hu.

Anyway: for the elements of fiction, I am always most interested in character, and theme. I am fascinated by people's psychology, especially their hidden depths and secret longings and fears and strengths and motivators that affect them, even (especially) those the person himself is unaware of or does not recognize. I love to analyze people and learn about them; I am less interested in people watching per se, mostly because I think a lot of our external habits are BS, posturing and simply conforming to social norms; this isn't the stuff I care about. But I love to talk to people and listen to them, and my favorite thing is when I find out someone has a trait I never would have suspected -- like learning that someone angry or mean looking loves to rescue baby birds who fall out of the nest on flying day.

True story: my wife's childhood cat, Jinx, learned when in the spring the birds who lived in their backyard would start teaching their chicks to fly, and he would lie in wait until the chicks fell fluttering from the nest. Then he would race out and eat them.

My second fascination is with theme, because I think it relates very closely to character in our social world. I think many of us have an overriding passion or belief or obsession; sometimes more than one. More of our lives revolve around those central ideas than we normally think they do, and though they are never simple or obvious, once you understand the theme, you understand the person. Which is also why I asked about this topic, even though I know it was hard to answer the prompt.

I'm somewhat interested in setting because I think we live in a beautiful and amazing and surprising world, and I think we make some really weird choices when it comes to our own adaptations to the environment and the creation of our living and working spaces as human beings. Like classrooms full of desks. Who thought that was a good idea?

I don't care about plot, because too much of what we do is, in my opinion, unconsciously motivated, and we don't know why we do things -- but the why is all that really matters, not the what that comes from the why. I am usually aware of mood, because I happen to be a fairly empathetic person (though I might have lost that ability somewhat as I have become hardened over the years), but I usually try to ignore it except as it reveals character. In fact, I usually enjoy messing with the mood of the room in surprising ways, as you know from hanging out with me for the last six months.
There you go: the analysis of Hu.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Movies movies are no fun, unless you watch with everyone(:

Well lets see, my favorite movie is...uhm...well theres that one...and this one...oh theres just so meny! Lets start with the favorite childhood movie, Aladdin. I've always been the girl who likes happy endings, and I've always found forbidden love intreguing. Everything about Aladdin drew me in, I used to watch it over and over and over again. I loved the idea of three wishes, and there are alot of moral lessons hidden under the surfice. (Be careful what you wish for, as an example.) Another favorite movie is Bruce Almightly, Im not exactly sure why. Jim Carry is one ofmy favorite actors- he is hilarious!! And the idea of having all the powers of God...THAT WOULD BE SO SO SO SO COOL! Forrest Gump is my favorite classical movie, I feel very strong emotions when I watch it. My definition of a good book or movie is any piece of work that makes you feel strongly about it. I feel so much empathy for him and the problems in his life. But he is a brilliant role model, striving to succeed against all odds is very inspiring! What ever emotion he feels, I feel along with him. When he is happy, I am smiling. And when he is upset or Forlorn, I am on the brink of tears. A very well directed movie. I suppose my guilty pleasure is the Star Wars series. I have seen every movie dozens of times. I know every characters name, all the types of aliens, The names of the planets, how the plot ties everyone together, all of it. I also know everything about Harry Potter. (: But the best movies IN THE WORLD is definitly (Yeah, you guessed it.) Avatar. It's not a movie, its an expirience. (Thanks for stealing my quote Shey :P) A whole other world just like earth, but with freaking dragons and beautiful landscapes, come on now. Its glorious. I wishhh I was one of those blue people!! There is ALOT of symbolism in that movie, though. How humans come to a new planet and are tearing it down for resourses is a wonderful example of what we are doing to our own planet.

Movies- "it's not a movie, it's an EXPERIENCE"

My favorite movie of all time is oh man there's so many out there I adore but I guess my favorite would have to be Titanic.(Krystal we have to have a movie party sometime) I was like 3 when this came out and I got to watch it and I fell in love with it. Truthfully, though it's my fav movie, I've probably only seen it all the way through a handful of times because its just so damn sad. It's been years since I've watched it as a matter of fact but when I was little I bought the movie and pretended Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet's characters were my imaginary friends and I named my boston terrier Jack=] Although I'm not the shallow type of fan that obsesses and fantasizes over famous guys I know I'll never meet I do have a short list of male celebrities I find attractive and Leonardo Dicaprio is definately on that list. Can I get an Amen ladies? I think those two actors work well together and I admire their other work as well. I love this movie because it's so romantic and I am a total sucker for the romantic stuff. It's a beautiful love story. Ok before I start crying the best movie I've seen recently would by far be Avatar. I admit before I saw it I judged this movie and Rachael and I agreed it would be the stupidest movie ever to debut but then I saw James Cameron's name on it an d I was sold. I mean this guy is amazing at what he does! He made Titanic for crying out loud. So Rach and I went to see it her second time my first and though it was long as hell the colors and graphics were unreal! As rachael and I say "it's not a movie, it's an experience";-) Fav action movie oooo those are good um I'd have to say, no no I couldn't pick one. Fav romantic scene also tough but I can remember this more clearly. Pretty much the whole freaking Notebook movie or the part in Pride and Prejudice when they are walking towards each other in the field. That is an amazing movie. I don't quote movies that much. Guilty pleasure, I don't have one. I watch what I want and I'm not embarrassed of that. If you have a problem with it then oh well=]

Topics 1, 2 and 3

Topic number one:
I would give our class a 8/10 because we talk a little to much when Humphrey is trying to talk and a lot of people dont really pay attention to a lot of stuff.
I would give myself a 7/10 because a lot of that talking comes from me. haha, but i still pay attention to most the stuff that goes on.

El tema número dos:
I think that the two most important elements of fiction are the plot and characters because what is going on and who's doing what is what you need to know about a story everything else could change without changing the story to much.

Sujet numéro trois:

My favorite movie of all time is the spider-man series because he is the greatest superhero of all time.
in the last month or two the best movie ive seen is inglorious bastards, and cousin business is a boomin.
my favorite action movie is probably the dark night.
My favorite chick flick is A walk to remember.
My favorite quote is"You'll Always Remember This as the Day You Almost Caught Captain Jack Sparrow"

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Topic 3

Hmmmm I don't really have a favorite movie, but I'd say Armaggedon if I had to choose. I like that movie because it's action-y and sad. My favorite quote would be "Little girls deserve love" from Cybil, 'cus little girls DO deserve love =D. Umm so I guess Armaggedon is my fav boy film, and the scenes in there that I like are when the meteor pieces wipe out some cities and when some of the people die in space. >.> I know that sounds horrible.... Except Bruce Willis didn't deserve to die!! >:O. Anyway. My favorite chick-flick... uhh Titanic, because it made me cry so much, although that wouldn't really be a good thing, huh... But it was such a heartwarming story. Well, until everybody died.


My favorite movies of all time are Wall-E (and all the other Pixar movies, but Wall-E's my favorite) and Jurassic Park. I love Jurassic Park for one main reason. Velociraptors. I am pro at running like a velociraptor, and this movie inspired it. I haven't seen the second one though. I know, shame on me.
I haven't seen any movies in the last couple months that really stick out, so no answer for that question.
I'm not a huge action watcher. I guess it depends on what you mean by action. Movies I like that usually appeal to guys are all the Back to the Future movies and Mystery Men. I'll talk about my love of Mystery Men later, because it will take forever. :)
Chick-flicks are pretty fabulous. While You Were Sleeping is adorable. All of the Jane Austen movies are good. Ever After is another good one, just don't ever watch it with the Charbonneaus. :) I don't know, there's a lot that I like.
I know I have a lot of guilty pleasure movies, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Musicals are the best things ever. And not musicals like Rent and Grease. No, I've never seen those. I'm talking about the oldies but goodies. West Side Story is probably one of my favorites of all time. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a good one. And Calamity Jane is too.
Now I will enlighten you all on the subject of Mystery Men. Mystery Men is about super heroes who aren't exactly accepted by the city they live in, because Captain Amazing is the real deal, and they don't compare. Captain Amazing gets "kidnapped" by Casanova Frankenstein who's a "cured" evil villain. So Shoveler (a shoveling prodigy), the Blue Raja (who those forks like crazy), and Mr. Furious (his power is being angry, no less) decide to recruit people with super powers to help them save Captain Amazing and take down Casanova. They end up hiring the Invisible Boy (his power is to turn invisible, but only when nobody is watching), the Spleen (has the power of farting), the Bowler (she bowls with a bowling ball that contains the skull of her father, Carlisle the Bowler), and the Sphinx (still not sure what his power is. In the movie they just say his power is being mysterious). It's a wonderful movie trust me. And it has great quoting lines. All of the quotes below are from the movie and they're probably not funny unless you've actually watched it, but who cares. I think they're funny, and that's all that matters, right?

Lucille: You're a good man. And a good father. But that's all.

Mr. Furious: Looks like tonight the lone wolf rides... alone.

The Shoveller: If we had a billionaire like Lance Hunt as our benefactor...
Mr. Furious: That's because Lance Hunt IS Captain Amazing.
The Shoveller: Don't start that again. Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses.
Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms.
The Shoveller: That doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't be able to see.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Favorite movie of all time would have to be Grease, Phantom of the Opera, or Rent. I LOVE musicals as you can tell. And if you don't like musicals because you think they are all cheery then watch Repo! The Genetic Opera another good movie.
My favorite "boy-flick" is V for Vendetta. Would that be considered a action movie? I don't know, I think it would be. Long story short though, it is amazing!
My favorite "chick-flick" would be The Notebook. It is such a sweet romance movie.
Best movie that I have seen lately would be When in Rome, a "chick-flick".
Favorite line from a movie, that's hard. So many great movies and great lines. I can't choose one to be my favorite but I can choose one good one. "Its a Thankless Job." Repo! The Genetic Opera. Understanding why that is amazing you'd have to have a sick sense of humor and watch the movie.

Look what I found!

It may not be a hundred pound rabbit, but it's pretty darn close.....


This is not a fun blog topic. This is a stupid topic. Who the heck cares about my favorite dude flick?! I am going to make my own topic. Why I don't like to watch TV and movies.
  1. TV is stupid because most of the time you spend more time watching commercials than the actual show.
  2. The shows on TV aren't worth your time because they put false realizations into kids heads and makes them think somethings are one way but they are really wrong.
  3. Movies are over rated and over popularized. Why would you want to watch someone else live their life when you could go out and live it for yourself?
I am not trying to say that you should not watch movies, just that it should be taken into consideration that that is not real life. I like movies but i don't watch them very often.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I ask your opinion, and only your's

Not your mom's, not your dad's, not your uncle's "well I went to highschool, any 'un that don't is a loser!"

I grind my teeth in my sleep, I've gained somewhat depressed if not suicidal tendencies, I emotionally break down, I sit in solitude thinking about how much I want my life to be different. How much emotional stress I take out on my friends and family. How much pain my mind is constantly in. This town we call St. Helens, some of you St HELLens, durp durp, is breaking me to pieces. And some people are going to read this and think something along the lines of "wow. Anthony is so dumb, why would he post something like this! he just looks like a total faggot!", Pat's going to say something along the lines of, Grow a pair!, the rest of you will pretend to sympathize because you don't really know me. That's ok. I just want an opinion.

Should I get my GED and free myself from this stress for a few years? Or should I "grow a pair". My mom and I talked over the cons and pros of this. Let's start with the cons. Bye bye medical school, hello real life. I'm going to have to get a job, pay rent, move out, and that's going to be quiiiite the change. And in the end, if I want to go to college, I'm going to be surrounded by pricks, creepers, the occasional friendly feller and people. Alllll over again. I might as well learn to deal with it now, right? Well, the pros to getting out of this mess is I will have a few years to ease up. A year or so to get a job and get paid so I can more easily get out of here. Time to freely figure out what I want to do that doesn't involve nursing or doctoring. Either way, I need to decide by this summer. Because if I don't know what I'm doing by next year, I'm probably not going to be going very far.

Mawaige. Mawaige is what brings is together, today. Wuv, twue wove....

I'm not a huge movie watcher, so I'll give this a go, and just keep in mind that all of these movies are going to be pretty ghetto.

Favorite movie: FOREVER STRONG!!!! Oh my goodness, I love that movie! It's about this kid that gets totally wasted and then crashes with his girlfriend in the car, and has to go to court, and he gets sent to this correctional facility, and he can't play rugby, because he's in a correctional facility. But he ends up being able to play with his rival team, and blah blah blah. Anyways, it's really good, I definetly recommend it.

Favorite Action: Pirates of the Carribean(AWESOME soundtrack, btw!), LOTR(does this count as an action movie?) Oceans series

Favorite Romance: Princess Bride,#1 hands down, Pride and Prejudice (The new version), Phantom of the Opera, Anastasia(only when you get, like, a million girls in the same room who dance and sing(on key!!) all the songs)

Guilty Pleasure: Ok, it's not really a guilty pleasure, but I love the movie John Tucker must die. I know that I've wanted to do some of those things to some people sometimes, but still. Oh, and Robots. Only for the Blue Men Group.

Hrm..that's about it.

I have a confession to make. I've never seen ANY Star Wars movies. It's not because my parents haven't seen them, it was my dads' first movie that he saw in theaters. It's because...I don't really know. I just haven't watched them. Idk. I don't feel like I've missed out on anything, but who knows?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Elements of Fiction

I'm an atmosphere guy. The more I can buy into a world, the more I enjoy it. As I ranted, the main reason I didn't care for F451 was the fact that I thought its' view of the future to be hilariously wrong & over-the-top. I couldn't believe the world, so I couldn't enjoy the book.

Conversely, atmosphere is the reason I love some of my favorite works of fiction. The biggest luring aspect of the Harry Potter franchise for me wasn't the compelling story, but the world of Hogwarts & wizards in general. I would daydream for hours about exploring Hotwarts, and how I would use magic.
One of my favorite movies, Up In The Air, also springs from atmosphere. I'm a travel guy - the rushed feel of a visit to the airport always gets a smile from me. It's a place where everybody has the same goal - get in, and get on your way. Nothing is permanent, and the constant rush to stay on schedule is something that UITA captured elegantly. Additionally, it creates a believable character in an odd situation. Always being on the move, virtually living in various hotel rooms, is an emotion that you can place yourself in.
Atmosphere even plays a role in a favorite videogame - Silent Hill : Shattered Memories. It's a horror game that doesn't aspire to scare you with monsters that pop out of nowhere. Rather, you fear the town itself. You're alone, confused, and looking for your lost daughter. The game works to build the story of the town itself, rather than the lead character - so like the first two you find yourself in the lead's situation.

Hey you know that one movie with that guy in it? He played the other guy's best friend who marries the sister.

Hmmm lets see here my favorite movies of all time are Spirited Away, and Avatar. Spirited Away because it is the best anime movie I have ever seen and myself being an artist can see how much hard work has gone into every scene. The endless details that are taken for granted when you can see things with yours eyes and just film them have to be hand drawn into every scene. Avatar because if you have seen it in 3D I don't even have to tell you. It's just good.

The best one I have seen in the last couple months would have to be Inkheart

Best action scene would have to be from one of The Bourne movies cuse they are just awesome and crazy with all the action stuff.

Best romantic scene would have to be from either The Notebook or PS I Love You. I cried during both of them.

My favorite line is from the Breakfast Club when they are all sitting on the ground talking about their parents and Bender says to Andy "I think my dad and your dad should get together and go bowling." I love it because it's just so random and it's during such a heavy scene it makes me laugh every time.

Hmmmm I don't think I really have a guilty pleasure movie....hmmm well maybe Click cuse it's funny and even though I know what's going to happen I cry every time at the end...sigh...oh well what can u do?


What is your favorite movie of all time? Why? -
Snakes on a Plane. It is quite simply, the Jesus Christ of cinema. It's got a concept & plot so paper thin, it's litterally summed up in the title. You read "Snakes on a Plane", and you GET snakes, that are on a plane. It's got hilariously-over-the-top action, a handful of excellent thrills, and the single greatest quote in movie history. I need not quote it.
If I had to choose one Not-Snakes-On-A-Plane movie, (AKA, my "Serious" choice) it'd be 40 Year Old Virgin. One of the smartest, most touching, relateable, and downright hilarious movies ever. And while SOAP (Even Snakes' ABRIVIATION is awesome) has the single best quote, 40 Year Old Virgin wins for quantity.

What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two? -
Tough choice. Avatar, The Hurt Locker and Up In The Air all qualify. While Avatar may be visually stunning, and Hurt Locker actually made me interested in a war flick, Up In The Air's modern atmosphere & god-tier cast made it a personal favorite. Partially because I REALLY love airports & travel.

What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene? -
One scene, eh? Then I'll nominate Avatar's 40-minute planet-wide smackdown. James Cameron may not be able to write, but the guy knows his way around a fight scene. The single moment where the mech leaps away from a bomb-rigged airship may be the single most badass image ever conjured in any medium.

What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene? -
The end of Wall-E. I'm not saying I cried, but I'm not saying I didn't-not cry.

What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote? -
I'll provide a top 3 list, thank you very much.
2. "You're a smelly pirate hooker. Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?" - Anchorman
1. (Taken from the safe-for-TV cut of Snakes On A Plane) - "I have HAD IT with these Monkey-Fighting Snakes, on this Monday-to-Friday Plane!"

What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)? -
Some may say SOAP should fall in this list, but screw them. It's a cinema classic. No, my guilty pleasure is Roland Emmerich's Godzilla (2000 version). Matthew Broderick running from a giant lizard in NYC is every bit as stupid as you'd expect it to be, but it's my ultimate nostalgic movie.

Topic 2, Rachael(:

I think that Character is the most important element in a story. Of course, all elements are important, but Characters are the first thing that stands out to me. Who is telling the story, how old are they? What is their attitude twards the things around them? The good old who how what why where and when usually work for me when decoding a story. :)


My favorite movie of all time is probably Avatar. that was an aweome movie, even if people are hating on it for being like Pocahontas. I liked it better in 2D because it was easier to focus on the screen. I like it because it's just so satisfying (except for the part where the Mother Tree falls down.)

The best movie I've seen in the last month is Avater 2D. Funny that.
My favorite action film is Wolverine, but I saw that recently, so it sticks in my mind well.
Favorite chick flick is probably Stardust. It surprisingly wasn't that bad.
Favorite dialogue to quote is stuff from Monty Python's Holy Grail. Its got so many good ones.
Guilty Pleasure movie? I dont really know. There's not really a movie that I wouldn't want anyone to know that I watched (Except for Highschool Musical One (shudders) ugh.

my favorite movie?

i dont really have a favorite movie per say, but i do love me some final fantasy: advent children!! lol no seriously there are about two or three movies that i will watch over and over again and those movies are: talledega knights(ricky bobby), tropic thunder, and zoolander!! im a sucker for funny movies and its also my favorite genre (woah not scary movies?!) the best movie i have seen in the past two months... well avatar duh! ive seen it two times and though its a long movie, its still pretty good. best guy movie scene? i dont watch very many action movies so i couldnt tell ya! wait does pulp fiction count? or kill bill? im going with kill bill on this one so my favorite action scene is in kill bill vol.1 when she is beating the crap out of the crazy 88's!!! that scene was so awesome! and best romantic scene... i dont have one cuz i hate those scenes. ok next question! best quote ever? hands down when in zoolander, mugatu shows zoolander a model of the center for kids that cant read good and who want to learn other stuff too. so zoolander totally destroys the model and goes "what is THIS? a center for ants?! how can you expects the children to learn, if they cant even fit through the building?! the center has to be at least *pauses to look at model* THREE TIMES AS BIG AS THIS!" hahaha! best quote ever! and my favorite guilty pleasure movie? any pokemon movie ever made!!! i have most of them and have watched them on multiple occations!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ferris Bueller's Day Off, enough said. What more could you want? A smart ass kid. A smart girl. Witty Humor. An adult who has caught onto something but isn't smart enough to actually prove anything. Besides who doesn't love the idea of being able to skip school and not be caught because your plan was so fool proof? "The Sausage King of Chicago!"

Elements of Fiction

To me the most compelling element of fiction is mood because the mood is what you feel due to every other element of fiction. It's not something you can write on it's own. You pick up the mood from what you read about the setting, the plot, the characters and the theme. I think that's why I am so fascinated by it.

Movies - Grant P.

my favorite movies.... hmm wow I have not thought about this in a long time but heres a few of them: Jurassic Park 1, FIGHT CLUB!, WALL-E, Big Fish, Catch me if you can, clerks, friday, the departed, bourne identity, the shining, Coraline, godfather series and oceans 11. Thier are a couple more movies which I LOVE but i cannot for the life of me remember the titles of most of them.

Fight Club: MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER! This was the most well thought out movie ever in my mind if it's based of of somethig else kudos to the book or w/e but i've only seen the movie. It's my favorite movie due to the fact that its such a violent and weird based movie but the real enjoyable part is re-watching it after you've already seen it... And you HAVE To watch it multiple times to really get th full effect of it.
WALL-E: It's just a great movie the fact that the emotions in the whol movie are portrayed in the whole movie with little to no use of words is great and the great soundtrack really help this movie in the end for me.
Big Fish: Can't describe it just a gret movie with a really nice overall tone about it.
Clerks and Friday: Have a very interesting way about humor and both are amzing in this field although the sequals to friday suck and clerks 2 leaves much to be desired and doesn't stick true to the style of the first.
The departed, oceans 11, and bourne identity: all star one of my favorite actors and are all very well done in the own way.
Jurassic park: i LOVE dino's and just a great move very entertaining.
Godfather: Amazing story with a very cruel aspect about it.
The shining: Is scary as hell and is very well the most well written horror movie/book ever created.
Coraline: it's just a really intresting art style plus interesting story drew me into this movie.
My favorite guy flick is fight club but for a moment alone it has to be a movie which the title escapes me right now but the jist of it is two nearly identical magicias who used to be partners in an act are now at each others throats and are constantly trying to one-up each other. It gets t the point where they try to sabotage each other but after neither quits one of them resorts to science to try and win the long dispute. He discovers a way to teleport himself to another platform but what he doesn't realize at the time that eery time he teleports it clones himself and teleports either the original or the clone to a pad while the other stays put. The scene this leads up to is oe of the magician who is scouting his new "Teleporting man" show is sitting in the audience the other iss on a stage when his assitant brings out this monstrocity of a mechanical marvel. He sets up the crowd and steps in the machine. Lights flash and Foom he falls ito the floor and he appears in an upper bleahcer and accepts the mass applaud from his audience and the astonishment of his fellow magician. It then cuts to here a month later doing the same routine but this time it shows what happens to him... He falls into a container of water screaming and squirming around he slowly drowns as his assistant closes and bolts down the lid. It then shows the assistant after the show puth this case with the dead magician into a room were rows of these tanks are lined some filled some not....
favorite chick flick is Devil wears prada and the notebook.
favorite line is from the shining and it's "HERES JONNY!"
favorit guilty pleasure movie is sixteen candles/ devil wears prada.
What i really realize from all the time i spent writing this down is: Our modern day "Big Budget" movies suck compared to the actually WELL-Written movies......


I do not have a favorite movie of all time I have a top 3 and my top 3 are Mrs. Doubtfire, The Wizard of Oz, and Titanic. These are my favorites because:

Mrs. Doubtfire: It is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen, and it's a good movie for almost any age group and any kind of movie situation. And its just awesome I mean come on Robin Williams dressed up as a 60 year old woman.

Wizard of Oz: Its a classic, and the acting is great, I think I started liking it more after my dad's girlfriend and I watched it together because of the way we quote stuff from the movie. I also love the story.

Titanic: I love the titanic because I am a hopeless romantic, i love romances especially if they have some comedy and other things thrown in there. I think titanic does a great job showing how beautiful the ship was and how tragic it actually was when it sank. I also like it because even though the story line is based on a sad story it keeps it fun and interesting throughout the whole movie.

I don't have a favorite action scene in particular but my favorite action movies are either The Dark Knight or Public Enemies.

My favorite romance scene is probably when Rose and Jack are on the bow of the Titanic after she decides to leave her fiance for Jack.

Quotes: "Then they to my leg and threw it over there!"-Scarecrow
"I'd rather be his whore than your wife."-Rose
"My first day as a woman and I am getting hot flashes already."-Mrs. Doubtfire

And my quilty pleasure movie is "John Tucker Must Die" I dont know why i like it or why i even watch but i seem to still watch it every now and then.

Elements of Fiction

For me I would have to say i probably focus on characters and plot the most, when I am writing i always have the main character somewhat figured out, who they are, what they look like, and how they are going to act in certain situations. I usually start with the main character but not always, in my book I started with the main characters mom in my first draft because i hadnt quite figured my main character out. After i figured her out i went back and changed the beginning to start with her like i wanted to in the first place. Usually after you have the main character I would say plot next actually to me plot and characters kind of go hand in hand because, whats going to happen to the charatcers and who is interacting with who. So I would say most importantly you have to know what is going on before anything. I think that i am drawn to these two because I am a people person I am always interested in the people in anything, books, movie, tv. And I alos love the plot, I like to see the creative ideas that other people have come up with and might even get some influences for my own stories and ideas.

Movies - Will C.

My favorite movie is Avatar. My favorite chick-flick is Avatar, because technically there is a romance in it. My favorite boy flick is Avatar, because there's lots of cool guns and fighting stuff. My favorite guilty movie is... well, I guess not Avatar, because there's nothing guilty about it. I don't really have a guilty movie...

Careful man, there's a beverage here!

Alright so seriously, I really don't watch a lot of movies. The ones I do watch, other people don't enjoy normally I guess. I guess I'm an odd'n.

So, first off, my favorite movie of all time is probably the Big Lebowski. Only one friend I have shown it appreciates it, because it's so clever yet stupid. And everything in it is extremely random and there's so much cursing it's nearly unbearable. I mean, the opening scene is the main character being rammed into a toilet, and being harassed about his ball. Then they ask "What the fuck is this?" (It's a bowling ball) and the guy replies "Obviously... you're not a golfer."
This too (Warning, there's cursing!):


And, about two months ago I watched an amazing movie called Burn After Reading. Same concept of everything being ridiculous, except with federal agents and crazy people trying to get information to the russians.


Now, for favorite action scene?
I can't even describe this.

More awesome.

And I like quoting Jack Nicholson in the Shining, because he's a god damn lunatic in that movie. "It's alright, he heard it on the TEEE VEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

For romance movies, I'd say, in 28 days later when the main guy, Jim, makes out with the black chick. Because it was completely random and somewhat awkward even from my side of the TV screen, and that pretty much reminds me of any encounter I've had with a girl ever.

And my favorite guilty pleasure movie? Well, normally my only guilty pleasure in life is ice cream. So I'd have to say as far as movies go? I really enjoy watching SHITTY movies sometimes, like, if they're REALLY bad. And so I decided one day at my friend's house, we'd watch Mean Girls, since she owned that. And I do say, it was quite silly. But I laughed the whole way through at how dumb I thought it was, so I guess you could say that was a guilty pleasure. I dunno.


Pulp fiction - If you haven't seen it go spoon your eyes out.


When Vincent shoots Marvin in the face while they driving on the highway. (Pulp Fiction)

The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any slopes gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.
- Captain Koons [Pulp Fiction] Not my favorite quote but it's so hilarious when you watch this part.

Paranoid Park.... It's more of I love to hate it

!42! Topic #3: Movies

Time for a simple topic.  We'll take Tyger's suggestion from last semester.

What is your favorite movie of all time?  Why?  (You may choose more than one movie)
What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two?
What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene?
What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene?
What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote?
What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)?

You must answer all of these questions.  By next Monday, please.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Topic 2

To be honest I don't think I've ever looked at the story divided into sections like that. I guess I would have to say characters and plot when I'm reading a story because to me that's all there really is or all I think of right away when I'm reading. And for my life I would have to say characters because I am a people person. Sure alot of times I won't shut up but I do alot of listening to people. I like giving people advice and hearing about their problems. It makes me feel good to help them. I study people I see things others don't bother noticing and figure stuff out about people. I feel like I really get to know people. How they tick what bugs people what they like and I love hearing and seeing their responses to things. It's all so interesting. I am very curious in each and every person about the way they are and why they are that way. I care about others alot and I like to both observe people and step in and help them when I can. I have found a very nice equal middle between those two actions. Some day I hope to do something that does alot of good for people to make a difference some how some way. Untill I figure that out I'm just here for people when they need me=]

Topic 1

Yay finally we got internet. Alrighty anyways I hope that we as a class can stay focused and pay attention to the tasks at hand. We're a good class we just have too much fun with eachotherXD I'm not afraid to say that I individually talk wayyyy too much in our class and I have extensive and often loud side conversations with my friends. (In my defense if you guys could hear the funny crap we come up with you'd laugh too) Though I am a socal person it isn't an excuse to be too chatty when I should be focusing. I love english it's my favorite class always has been so I'm taking advantage of this new semester to really focus on my grades and let them reflect my potential. I want to apologize to you Mr.Humphrey I am usually a very good student and I recognize that you have alot of honestly good information and outlooks to show us. With that said looking forward to a fun but productive semester=]

Elements of me

I think I am most interested in characters, both in real life and when reading. I don't really care about plot. Kay, that was a lie. A story has to have at least some plot, but the characters are what get me really excited. In movies I pay more attention to the characters than the actual story. People just fascinate me. I'm a major people-watcher. It's really entertaining actually. Everybody has different quirks that are oh so amusing. One of my dreams is to be an animator at Pixar. Well, since I'm such a Pixar nerd, I sometimes read the artist's profiles that are on their site. One of the animators (named Sanjay, haha) mentioned that people-watching is a big part of an animator's life. In fact, they like to sit in the DMV and just watch people wait in line. How fun. Anyway... characters are the most important element, in my opinion. Because people are just so... weird. Who cares if nothing's going on. Just watch random people walk down the street. It's hilarious. And fun!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Character and Plot

I would have to say that character and plot matter the most to me. I want to know the reasons that people do things and how it will affect life later. Why did that person decide to ruin that other persons work? How will it affect the other person later when they see what their hard work ruined? What will they do?

Friday, February 12, 2010

what a character!

for me, the most important element of fiction is the characters! you dont have an interesting story without them. you dont have a story at all without characters. thats the only thing that keeps me intrested in anything at all. the people or things in the story. i don't like the story if it doesn't have interesting characters. even if you hate every single character because they are all evil plonkers, its still a good story because its entertaining! i guess the next most impotant element would be mood though and guess what? characters set the mood aswell! they can be goofy, fun-loving people and the story would be happy and funny. but they could also be evil with a dark past and try to kill those happy-go-lucky ding dongs, then the story would change to sad, suspencefull, or even scary. so yeah characters are the best and in every book, movie, or video game you like, there is always that favorite character that keeps you reading, watching, or playing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Twins - Will C.

This isn't one of the topics, but this is a blog, so I'm actually going to post something that's not required. I just kinda felt like explaining how me and Cole came to be. First, we need some background. The universe is in balance, and if it wasn't, everything would wither and die. This lasted for untold billions of years, until I was born. You see, I'm perfect in every way. The balance was thrown off. God saw this and so he acted. Cole was created to keep the universal homeostatis going. He was, quite simply, the by-product of me. Whereas I was handsome, smart, and totally awesome, all the bad traits went to Cole. The ugliness, sloth, stupidity, and general foulness was formed into a human, the universe's and dumping area. However, Nature is not everything. Nurture also plays a role. With my eternal mercy, I nursed Cole into some semblance of a respectable human, although his rough edges show sometimes. With such a great role model, it's no wonder he's made it this far. So please forgive Cole his arrogance, extreme vanity, and self-conceit, and just know that he is the only thing that is keeping my awesomeness from destroying the universe.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Das Veilchen!

"What an odd thing to talk about," said the turtle to the grasshopper. I echo those sentiments exactly. What would I be? Probably the theme, or the plot. Mainly the theme. When I read a book, that's the easiest thing for me to pick out. I look for patterns in things, and that makes the most sense to me. That's probably what I would be. I think that this is the shortest post that I've ever written. Go me!
On another note, what do people think of Valentines Day?


I think the setting is best for me...i like to pay more attention my surroundings than the people in them. In another sense, theme would also describe me seeing as im always trying to figure out the purpose of things, and how they work. Thats why my favorite subject is science.

topic #1

I would grade the class 8/10 we talk alot but we get alot of things done as well.

I would grade myself 6/10 because i could've done alot better last semester. I didn't turn in alot of stuff until the last minute (literally) due to my major procrastinating. I also didn't do my best because i didn't get enough sleep.

Character, Setting, and Plot

When I start any sort of story, whether I write it or I read it, I want to know who the characters are, and I want to know where they are located. I also want the story to be interesting so the plot must be enjoyable. A good story cannot be told with out a good cast, a portrayed stage, and an interesting story. It would just be a lack luster tale with empty words with no person to fill or an empty landscape with no depth to it. Reading about a character is fun for me because I like to know how this person feels, how they think, and basically a little sense of how they look. I want to know where they are, it doesn't even have to be a real place it can be fiction, as long as there is a defined realm as to which they belong to then it's perfectly fine with me. The story line has to be interesting it has to be fun to read. So i guess my preferences don't really effect the types of books I read, but if the story is lacking good detail about character or setting then I normally wont finish the book. When I start to write something I have to know who my characters are and where they are going to be, I also have to have some sort of idea as to how I want the story to flow, how I want it to play out, and the rest comes in later as the story develops.


For me it is all about the plot, now I understand everything is important but, plot is my favorite. I think of plot because there is no story without a plot and the plot is where everything happens what is funny what is depressing, everything is in the plot. also almost no one reads a book for the setting or character everyone is interested in what is going to happen.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My turn!

So I'm thinking that I should take a more active role in the class blog here, so I want to post on the topics. On the other hand, I don't want to step on anyone's toes, since I feel that someone would feel odd posting an opinion that ran directly counter to mine on a topic -- or even worse, if we thought exactly the same way about something, so that you'd feel like you had to write, "Wow, I think exactly the same thing that Mr. Humphrey thinks . . . swell." Which means that I will be posting a week behind schedule, to give you all time and opportunity to post your responses without any interference from me. And if you post late, well you're already deserving of some trials and tribulations for your lateness, so tough cookies.

How would I grade this class? Well, I already graded all of you, so there doesn't seem much point in saying more than that. I did want you to recognize that it is very difficult to assign a grade to a person for anything larger than a single assignment; I can look at a vocab test and say, "Sure, she only knew three-quarters of the words -- that's a C." But it's a little more troubling to look at a student, especially someone I have some kind of connection with owing to our conversations over the last four months, and think that the grade you earned in the class is actually what you deserve. Since I myself earned terrible grades in high school thanks to my own laziness, I don't feel too bad about giving low grades to students I like, but I really hate giving high grades to students I don't like. Feels like I'm rewarding people for being some form of twit, and I don't like doing that. And I do both of those things (low grades to nice students, high grades to not-nice students) every semester. So you should be aware of the difficulty of doing that -- hence the assignment to grade the class.
I'm glad so many of you liked the class. I am sorry for the boring out-loud reading of Fahrenheit 451, but honestly, what the heck is wrong with reading a book? Why do I need to make a book more exciting than it already is with projects and assignments and things? Isn't it enough that it's a book? I understand if you didn't like it -- well no I don't; I love that book and I can't fathom why people would think it was boring, but I know people do, so I get that some of you probably did -- but I am a teacher, not a clown, so your amusement is not my goal. Your education is. Sorry if you didn't learn anything, or didn't learn as much as you thought you should; we'll try and do better next semester.

As for the talking issue, I've brought it up in class several times.  The thing is that each of you needs to make a decision: is it more important that I speak out, say the comment that is flashing into my mind right now, or is it more important that I listen to what other people are saying?  There are certainly times to say what you are thinking, especially when you are asked to share what you are thinking -- but there are also times to NOT say what you think of right away.  Maybe not even say it at all.  I don't think this class is very good at the second thing.  Every time we have a topic, or I ask a question, it isn't only one person who has to answer, or who makes some witty remark; it's eight or nine or ten people, and those who don't get a chance to say it to the whole class, say it to each other.  That's how the side conversations start.  They continue because the person responds with their own witty remark, and then the pair has to go back and forth and back and forth.  Multiply that by fifteen.

I know it isn't really fair of me to be saying this, since I get to say my witty remarks all the time; but you have to realize that for every one I say, there are anywhere from ten to a hundred in any given class period that I don't say.  Sex, for instance.  I think of jokes and one-liners all the time that relate to sex, but I can't say 'em.  Same thing with cussing.  I can cuss a blue streak, I can string together a half dozen different insults into a stream-of-consciousness burn-a-thon, but I can't say any of it in school.

I know you're now hoping that I will do this in class.  I won't.  We have already pushed foul language as far as we can today, and there will be no more of it.  Seriously.  This is not the time or the place for cursing, and I would like to encourage you to learn other words to use instead of profanity.  Coprophage, for instance.  Look it up.

So there are plenty of things that I don't get to say.  More importantly, I want to hear what you have to say, so I try to spend at least some time listening.  And believe me, there are some students (though honestly, you all are much better about this than my regular LA classes) who tell stories that I do not want to hear: pointless, boring, annoying, insulting, inappropriate, you name it.  I have to keep my mouth shut and listen.

Because it's the only way I can learn.
So I'd give this class a C-, maybe even a D+.  I think I am an average teacher, since I am very good at some things and terrible at others.  But you all could have learned a great amount from each other, but you didn't learn half as much as you could have, because you talked twice as much as you should have.  I think you should try listening more, and not saying whatever comes to mind.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Class Grade

I would give our class a eight out of ten. I would take away two points for talking because of how much we talk. Even today in class when you were talking about how much we talk and everyone was talking. I do agree though that we should have some talking but the amount we have is crazy. So I wouldn't take away too many points but, yes, some.

I would be the setting

I would be the setting but not just any setting O No I would be the part of the setting no one really recognizes directly but in some round about way makes the story get pushed just a bit more into which ever way it is going. Im just the setting sitting in the backround spurting out unique features and making it difficult for everyone else to do something or in some cases making it ust easier. Im a pawn in the whole story of the world. In some cases I help the whole thing trudge along happily minding my own buisiness until I do something incredibly akward and just ruin that little portion of the story, until i'm finally relieved by someone else doing something amazing to let up on the preasure.

Topic 2 - Will C.

Well, for me I'd probably go for theme, just because I'm not any of the others. I guess I'm all for results and what the point is. In reading I'm definately into the characters, though. To me that's what defines a good story. All my favorite books have awesome main characters. I tend to like the really gifted ones, the un-realistically smart or awesome somehow. I don't like all those purposeful flaws to make you "connect" with the character. Are they implying that I'm flawed?! What?!
Whatever. I just like the cool ones. Feel free to post angry comments about me not appreciating good literature or something, though. I think they're funny.

NUMBA 2!!!!1!!11!

I think i like the chararcters the most (despite the letter "i" that I just typed back there is a lower case one, and it didn't automatically upper case it (like wth(eck))). I like what the characters say, and they have personalities, and some characters are so cool, that I wouldn't mind if the book had no plot, and I just sat there and listened to them have a conversation.

Why? I don't know. Characters are just more appealing (than bananas (ba-dum, pishh!!)) than say, the mood. OooOOOOoo. the mood is sooooo cool! Although some characters make me wanna gag (cough, Edward).

NUMBA 1!!!1!!11!!

I'd grade this class like, a 8 out of 10. I enjoy it a lot, although we dont really know how to shut up, and Brandon keeps falling asleep in the weirdest positions ever. Also, the desks aren't created very good so that two people can play the square game together while listening to the class.

But the class is good, and I know this because I actually look forward to coming to it.

Topic 2

I think I focus more on the plot of things and the climax because I like the action. I'm one of those people who love to hear gossip, even if it's about someone I don't even know. I don't even know why I'm that way but it makes me feel like the stereotypical girl.... uggghhh. anyways. I also like the theme, because I like to know how things turn out in the end. So I would say that plot and theme are my favorite =]

Grading the Class

I feel like I would give this class about a C. I feel like it earns this grade because C is supposed to be average. I feel like the class was superb in some fashions; like our discussions, and we learned amazing new words. However there were major draw backs that keep the class from being an A, or top notch. Some things were out of our control, such as having to listen to Fahrenheit 451 be read to us due to there not being enough copies. I don't think anyone is going to argue that was lame. And hard to pay attention to. Another draw backs was how talkative our class was, it's hard to take something meaningful away from it often when the class consists of nothing more than random chatter. American Heroin anyone?

Elements of Fiction

I think setting, theme, and mood are all very descriptive of how I think, learn and act. I plan out my time depending on who will be there, I look for a reason to do things, and I tend to be very observant of other people's moods and the mood of a conversation.
When I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do, a lot of the time it will be very different of someone will be there compared to if I will be alone. If I were going to plan what I'm going to do tonight and knew I was going to be alone I might plan to do homework, read, draw, write or sew. These are all things I prefer to do alone. If I were going to plan something with someone I may plan to go out or see a movie, or maybe cook something.
I look for reasons to do things, as in theme, for most of what I do. They could be as simple as I want to try something new or I want someone to gain something from my actions. I do not, however, believe that everything I do has to benefit me. Sometimes I may go out of my way to do something which will help someone else. Sometimes I don't even thing about it and sometimes I have to think about it beforehand.
Mood is my strong point. I like making people happy and helping others. If I can tell that someone needs help usually I can find a way to try to fix it. Other people's moods affect me a lot. I can be perfectly happy then spend a lot of time with someone who is upset and end up having a bad day. This is not to say that unhappy people ruin my day, it's more so that I feed off what other people are feeling and care about it.


Overall I would give our class a 7 out of ten. People have their own conversations and interrupt the learning cycles of others and there are a lot of people who bring up the most pointless arguments ever, like whether pirates are better than ninjas, or if we should include a word that is not in the dictionary on our vocabulary tests. We don't need another word for getting drunk or something which shouldn't be a part of our lives at the time. Also, we have covered the pirates versus ninjas arguments enough and we all know your side so just shut up.

Anyways, we do get along fairly well on good days and we all have good minds and mostly good ideas.

!42! Topic #2 Two Due Dos Zwei: Elements of . . . You?

For this week's topic, I find myself wondering: which element of fiction do you find the most interesting? Which defines your life/personality/interaction with the world?
What I mean is, do you think characters -- meaning people, their intentions, their motivations, their thoughts and feelings and secrets -- are your focus? Are you a people watcher? Do you decide what you will do in your free time, at least in part, according to who will be there?
Do you focus on plot? Is it all about action, what happens, what's going on? Are you always looking for the peak of excitement, the moments of greatest tension and interest?
Do you pay more attention to the setting, to your surroundings than the people in them, or what might be happening at any given moment?
Or the same sorts of questions for mood, if you focus on the emotional climate of the room.
Or theme, if you are interested only in the purpose of things, the meaning, the true essence, the final result of any sequence of events.
How would you define yourself in these terms? Feel free, of course, to choose a combination of them, so long as you prioritize and explain your choices.
On a side note, does your area of interest affect the kinds of reading you enjoy? The kinds of fiction you write, if you write fiction? Do you start with characters, or with events, or with a scene?

Sunday, February 7, 2010


For our class grade I would give us a C+ because that is slightly higher than average and because I feel like overall our class does well at understanding and participates but it might just be me but when people start talking it is as if Mr. Humphrey isn't even there. Myself though I wouldn't give an A like Humphrey did but that is just because he doesn't know how little effort I put into most of my work, I'm just lucky I guess because most schooling is very easy for me for some reason.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our class deserves a...B+

Well to be fair I'd give our class a solid B+ because yes we get very talkative but we also have really good conversations about topics. Our class has many different types of people in it so we all have very different opinions so that always makes things interesting. I mean just look at the random things we talk about and all the awesome projects people make. Our class is so interesting and fun. I can honestly say I don't know what will happen next. So yes our class is very loud but we can have really good conversations. So we get a B+, in my opinion.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Class grade

Okay, I think this class, for the most part, was pretty good last semester. Meaning the subject and what we did in class, not the students. But I'm not gonna lie, I really hated the poetry unit. I'm not a big fan of discussing or reading poetry. And I don't think I can write poetry. It just doesn't work with me very well. So I'd give the class a B+ or an A-. I think the book projects were good. The book journal wasn't as great (kinda time consuming) but I'm sure it's good for us. So I won't complain.

The students in the class, however, weren't always the most respectful. So probably a B- would be fine. I think we did fairly well at discussing things, but sometimes I felt it got a little out of hand. And there's a lot of side conversations going on most of the time. But what do you expect, we're teenagers. And at least half of us were listening, even if we didn't look like it. I for one find it easier to pay attention when I'm not looking at whoever is talking. Usually I pick at my hair. Haha, yes, I get made of fun of for that one practically daily by my friends. When I look at the people talking, I usually get bored and start daydreaming. Or I start to fall asleep. Not that the person is boring, it's just hard to watch someone, you know? Sometimes, just to make the speaker feel all good inside, I'll watch them. But then my mind usually goes off on some tangent, and good luck getting me back when that happens.

As for what grade I think I deserve, I'd have to say an A. I did all my work, I tried to pay attention most of the time (sometimes it's just impossible to listen because my mind won't focus. I'm sure you all agree). I know I didn't always do the best job of participating in class discussions, but if I really had something important to say, I spoke up. So yeah, I think I'd give myself an A last semester.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

grading the class

i dont want to spend too much time on the topic but i would give the class an over all grade of 9/10. the only reason its not a 10 is because i dont have 100% in this class and that makes me a very angry person! GRRRR!! >:( haha just kidding! is that better than jk? i dont know its all the same to me. i like that my freinds are in it and everyone is always in a good mood which is why its one of my favorite classes. i dont like the fact that its kind of a hard class though. i hate doing project after project it drives me nuts!! i spend more time trying to keep my grade up in this class then any other class!

i would give myself an 8/10 though because when i wasnt by my friends i was forced to pay attention but some days i just got bored so that why the 8.

Topic-#1(Grant Prehn)

I would grade the class a 8/10 i give it an 8 for the fact that it is really a great class to have and the way it's taught it fun with just enough phrey space :) to let us be indapendant. The only reason it's not a perfect 10 is because it's not my favorite subject but it still is a really nice class that I look forward to everyday.

I would grade myself around a 6 or 7 I really didn't try all that hard last semister and It showed with only getting a B I half-assed most of the assignments, and I regret I didn't try all that hard as all of the projects I imagine were really enjoyable to those who applied themselfs.

Also Today my brother Said, "I honestly don't like you and I never had." Now being the older sibling I don't think I've done that much wrong, I mean we fight like brothers do but as I looked back at the day I haven't done anything all that mean... So i'm wondering if he's just blaming me for random stuff?

New semester

Okay I really hate rating things, but I guess i will do it anyways. So english is probably my favorite subject and this year is probably my favorite year so far. I would have to rate our class aas about a 6 or 7 out of ten, because we do get really loud, and we have lots of side conversations which i am definitely apart of, and i think that not everyone is very involved in the class discussions all at the same time.
For myself i would probably rate myself as a 5/10 only because I do partake in side conversations and I also a lot of the class period, sit and write and dont always input to class discussion. So this semester since we are working on short stories and I love short stories I am going to try and do better about paying attention, and to be more involved with class discussions. Also to try and not always be working on my story which will be really hard for me but I will attempt.
Ok i'll grade the class in two parts, fist the teacher 11/10 probably my favorite all year always make things interesting and i learn a lot more that way. The students.... well, 6/10 on a good day when we all are somewhat quiet.
Me id say 5/10 i think i talk quite a bit and make some unessesary remarks, inside jokes run rampid in that class. I bet i could even have a whole conversation in them ha (IRA). see like that...

¡42! Topic #One - Will C.

I just thought I'd put 42 in the title because after all, it is the answer to life, the universe, and evrything. And I'm feeling very culturally friendly just now, so I thought I'd stick that upside down exclamation mark in there for all you Espanol-speakers out there. (Isn't Espanol pronounced like Ethanol? It's spelled the same, so it must be, right?) Anyway, I'd rate this class about a 9/10. I mean, come on people, what's with all these 6's?! This is an honors class, folks! We're about as good as any other class in our lovely school! (With the possible exception of my Chemistry cla- oh wait, I forgot about Colin. Nevermind that.) We might talk a little much, but not as much as the class with Stewie in it. And our talking rates in this class cannot be compared to other classes with different teachers, because, well, it's Mr. Humphrey. He's just very conductive to talking.
I would rate myself a 9.5/10, because I'd like to think hat I'm improving our average, not the other way around. I'm not a perfect ten because I read too much when Humphrey's talking. Other than that, I'm absolutely perfect in every way. (I even put one typo in here so that I'm not too perfect, which would make me less than perfect, if that makes sense.) JBF :)

topic 1 new semester

I would rate our class like..... 6/10. I mean, we're not perfect, but we do have a lot of good points and discussions that we bring up, and it's not all of us who are bad. We do, however, talk A LOT about other things and even talking while you read and while you talk. I would rate myself like, a 5/10 because I get my work done and do have an A, but I talk to friends occasionally.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our class grade...

Honestly, I would give us all a 6/10. I think that WHEN WE PAY ATTENTION, we work well together and engage in meaningful class discussions. But I do agree that when we all start talking, it gets out of control. And I admit, I'm part of the problem. Even though I do talk a lot however, Usually I'm very good about paying attention, soaking up information, and getting all my work done. So, I suppose it's a bit of a balance. I would give myself a 6-7/10. This semester I'm changing my work habits though, for school. Im determined to get a 4.0!

Ergh, I always Feel Guilty About This

I always hate doing this. It makes me feel so guilty! I would give our class a.... 4/10? We get SO distracted, it's absolutely ridiculous. Thanks Mr. Humphrey for putting up with us! I know that when I have a side conversation, it's usually about what we're talking about. Or something equally smart. I think one of the reasons for our distraction is that it's a little bit of a culture shock. I've never had a class that I was given so many opportunities to share my opinion, and it's weird. I don't know what to do.
Personally, I give myself a 5/10. I'm always listening (even when all you can see is the back of my head) but I should be better at facing forward.

On a totally different note, at dinner tonight, we talked about 3 things, and I want to hear everyone else's opinions on it.
1. Back story: 16 year old boy dies because of a urinary tract infection, because his parents didn't take him to the doctor because their religion told them not to. They were charged with murder or something. So the state is trying to pass a law that says that they can go into peoples houses and if they aren't "healthy" then they can take them and perform tests on them, etc. Is it fair for them to do this?

2. Lawmakers are banning plastic bags in grocery stores, because they were clogging our landfills. Don't we have bigger things to worry about? Is this what we should do?

3. Last one! Oregon wants to have health care for everyone, so they're going to add a 7% sales tax. Washington has a 7.5% sales tax, and they do just fine! We'd still have to pay income taxes. Do you agree? Is this the way to go? And on a sort of related plane, Americans are spending 11% more than we pay our government. We are in SUCH big debt! How do we fix this?

Yo guys so we thought we'd put some readin' in your readin' so you can read while you read.

Our class is ridiculous. We get so derailed, so silly, so loud, and there's so many side conversations, although I make a lot of them, I just find it sorta annoying when everyone else does. Gahd. Damn. I dunno, I guess it's pretty laid back. And I get to see Jonah and Pat Rick. I'd say, 6/10 for our class. Then to grade myself? Probably a 1/10

I do NOTHING for our class at ALL. I infact, make noise, and aggravate people, and cause disturbances. Bam.

!42! Topic #1 One Uno Eins

First Topic of the Spring Semester! Answer due by Monday, February 8
Grade this class. Then grade yourself as a member of the class. Justify both grades.

(If you did not have this class last semester, or don’t want to grade the class) What are your hopes for this class for this semester? What are your intentions as a student?

By the way: I put the "!42!" in the title as a signal that this is the assigned topic for this week, since some people said it was hard to find the official assignment post among all of the people who title their post "Topic #1." Nobody else is allowed to put "!42!" at the beginning of their post titles.

Remember you can always blog about any random subject that comes to mind, and comments on my posts or those of other students are always welcome. Please stay polite and respectful at all times.

Monday, February 1, 2010

10, 11, 12, and 15!

10- direction of the world
i think thee world is going poopy!the fact that we can start war with whoever the heck we want over stupid things, but yet we owe other countries billions! dumb!

11- are you happy?
i feel i am not as happy as Clairess but still happy.
actually i think she and i have a lot in common. like she asks questions, i ask questions. she likes it where shes not suppost to be, me too!

12- Christmas!
Christmas this year sucked.
my dog got hit and killed by a car driving past my house christmas morning.
the speed is 25 but 35 is okay i guess.

15- video games
i personally hate videogames!
well only war games.
i like rock band and driving games but the war ones bug me.
thats my dads favorite thing to do is play those gay games!