Sunday, February 21, 2010

Movies movies are no fun, unless you watch with everyone(:

Well lets see, my favorite movie is...uhm...well theres that one...and this one...oh theres just so meny! Lets start with the favorite childhood movie, Aladdin. I've always been the girl who likes happy endings, and I've always found forbidden love intreguing. Everything about Aladdin drew me in, I used to watch it over and over and over again. I loved the idea of three wishes, and there are alot of moral lessons hidden under the surfice. (Be careful what you wish for, as an example.) Another favorite movie is Bruce Almightly, Im not exactly sure why. Jim Carry is one ofmy favorite actors- he is hilarious!! And the idea of having all the powers of God...THAT WOULD BE SO SO SO SO COOL! Forrest Gump is my favorite classical movie, I feel very strong emotions when I watch it. My definition of a good book or movie is any piece of work that makes you feel strongly about it. I feel so much empathy for him and the problems in his life. But he is a brilliant role model, striving to succeed against all odds is very inspiring! What ever emotion he feels, I feel along with him. When he is happy, I am smiling. And when he is upset or Forlorn, I am on the brink of tears. A very well directed movie. I suppose my guilty pleasure is the Star Wars series. I have seen every movie dozens of times. I know every characters name, all the types of aliens, The names of the planets, how the plot ties everyone together, all of it. I also know everything about Harry Potter. (: But the best movies IN THE WORLD is definitly (Yeah, you guessed it.) Avatar. It's not a movie, its an expirience. (Thanks for stealing my quote Shey :P) A whole other world just like earth, but with freaking dragons and beautiful landscapes, come on now. Its glorious. I wishhh I was one of those blue people!! There is ALOT of symbolism in that movie, though. How humans come to a new planet and are tearing it down for resourses is a wonderful example of what we are doing to our own planet.

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