Monday, February 22, 2010

Sports - Will C.

Sp0rts are a great thing. They m0tivate kids t0 get 0ut and run ar0und and gr0w strong, and they are a great way to gain friends and learn h0w to work 0n a team. Public sp0rts? Great! I just d0n't think that they define how distinguished your sch00l is, and pe0ple get t00 worked up ab0ut them. It is, after all, just a game. The 0lympics are even better, because they bring all the w0rld t0gether t0 c0mpete, and that's really c00l. Just because a few pe0ple are c0rrupt 0r whatever d0esn't mean that it's a bad thing. The luge death? 0mG!!!!1! It was a fluke, alright. That's 0ne casualty f0r the 0lympics, and 5oo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo f0r the rest 0f the w0rld. Get 0ver it. T00 bad ab0ut China, but if we have t0 wait until they're perfect they'll never h0st an 0lympics. And after all, what else are they g0ing t0 use all 0ur m0ney f0r? (He's racist...)

1 comment:

  1. Hehe..I'm watching a show about dead fetuses...


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