Wednesday, February 17, 2010


What is your favorite movie of all time? Why? -
Snakes on a Plane. It is quite simply, the Jesus Christ of cinema. It's got a concept & plot so paper thin, it's litterally summed up in the title. You read "Snakes on a Plane", and you GET snakes, that are on a plane. It's got hilariously-over-the-top action, a handful of excellent thrills, and the single greatest quote in movie history. I need not quote it.
If I had to choose one Not-Snakes-On-A-Plane movie, (AKA, my "Serious" choice) it'd be 40 Year Old Virgin. One of the smartest, most touching, relateable, and downright hilarious movies ever. And while SOAP (Even Snakes' ABRIVIATION is awesome) has the single best quote, 40 Year Old Virgin wins for quantity.

What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two? -
Tough choice. Avatar, The Hurt Locker and Up In The Air all qualify. While Avatar may be visually stunning, and Hurt Locker actually made me interested in a war flick, Up In The Air's modern atmosphere & god-tier cast made it a personal favorite. Partially because I REALLY love airports & travel.

What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene? -
One scene, eh? Then I'll nominate Avatar's 40-minute planet-wide smackdown. James Cameron may not be able to write, but the guy knows his way around a fight scene. The single moment where the mech leaps away from a bomb-rigged airship may be the single most badass image ever conjured in any medium.

What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene? -
The end of Wall-E. I'm not saying I cried, but I'm not saying I didn't-not cry.

What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote? -
I'll provide a top 3 list, thank you very much.
2. "You're a smelly pirate hooker. Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?" - Anchorman
1. (Taken from the safe-for-TV cut of Snakes On A Plane) - "I have HAD IT with these Monkey-Fighting Snakes, on this Monday-to-Friday Plane!"

What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)? -
Some may say SOAP should fall in this list, but screw them. It's a cinema classic. No, my guilty pleasure is Roland Emmerich's Godzilla (2000 version). Matthew Broderick running from a giant lizard in NYC is every bit as stupid as you'd expect it to be, but it's my ultimate nostalgic movie.

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