Saturday, February 20, 2010


My favorite movies of all time are Wall-E (and all the other Pixar movies, but Wall-E's my favorite) and Jurassic Park. I love Jurassic Park for one main reason. Velociraptors. I am pro at running like a velociraptor, and this movie inspired it. I haven't seen the second one though. I know, shame on me.
I haven't seen any movies in the last couple months that really stick out, so no answer for that question.
I'm not a huge action watcher. I guess it depends on what you mean by action. Movies I like that usually appeal to guys are all the Back to the Future movies and Mystery Men. I'll talk about my love of Mystery Men later, because it will take forever. :)
Chick-flicks are pretty fabulous. While You Were Sleeping is adorable. All of the Jane Austen movies are good. Ever After is another good one, just don't ever watch it with the Charbonneaus. :) I don't know, there's a lot that I like.
I know I have a lot of guilty pleasure movies, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Musicals are the best things ever. And not musicals like Rent and Grease. No, I've never seen those. I'm talking about the oldies but goodies. West Side Story is probably one of my favorites of all time. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a good one. And Calamity Jane is too.
Now I will enlighten you all on the subject of Mystery Men. Mystery Men is about super heroes who aren't exactly accepted by the city they live in, because Captain Amazing is the real deal, and they don't compare. Captain Amazing gets "kidnapped" by Casanova Frankenstein who's a "cured" evil villain. So Shoveler (a shoveling prodigy), the Blue Raja (who those forks like crazy), and Mr. Furious (his power is being angry, no less) decide to recruit people with super powers to help them save Captain Amazing and take down Casanova. They end up hiring the Invisible Boy (his power is to turn invisible, but only when nobody is watching), the Spleen (has the power of farting), the Bowler (she bowls with a bowling ball that contains the skull of her father, Carlisle the Bowler), and the Sphinx (still not sure what his power is. In the movie they just say his power is being mysterious). It's a wonderful movie trust me. And it has great quoting lines. All of the quotes below are from the movie and they're probably not funny unless you've actually watched it, but who cares. I think they're funny, and that's all that matters, right?

Lucille: You're a good man. And a good father. But that's all.

Mr. Furious: Looks like tonight the lone wolf rides... alone.

The Shoveller: If we had a billionaire like Lance Hunt as our benefactor...
Mr. Furious: That's because Lance Hunt IS Captain Amazing.
The Shoveller: Don't start that again. Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses.
Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms.
The Shoveller: That doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't be able to see.

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