Wednesday, February 3, 2010

¡42! Topic #One - Will C.

I just thought I'd put 42 in the title because after all, it is the answer to life, the universe, and evrything. And I'm feeling very culturally friendly just now, so I thought I'd stick that upside down exclamation mark in there for all you Espanol-speakers out there. (Isn't Espanol pronounced like Ethanol? It's spelled the same, so it must be, right?) Anyway, I'd rate this class about a 9/10. I mean, come on people, what's with all these 6's?! This is an honors class, folks! We're about as good as any other class in our lovely school! (With the possible exception of my Chemistry cla- oh wait, I forgot about Colin. Nevermind that.) We might talk a little much, but not as much as the class with Stewie in it. And our talking rates in this class cannot be compared to other classes with different teachers, because, well, it's Mr. Humphrey. He's just very conductive to talking.
I would rate myself a 9.5/10, because I'd like to think hat I'm improving our average, not the other way around. I'm not a perfect ten because I read too much when Humphrey's talking. Other than that, I'm absolutely perfect in every way. (I even put one typo in here so that I'm not too perfect, which would make me less than perfect, if that makes sense.) JBF :)

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