Thursday, February 18, 2010

I ask your opinion, and only your's

Not your mom's, not your dad's, not your uncle's "well I went to highschool, any 'un that don't is a loser!"

I grind my teeth in my sleep, I've gained somewhat depressed if not suicidal tendencies, I emotionally break down, I sit in solitude thinking about how much I want my life to be different. How much emotional stress I take out on my friends and family. How much pain my mind is constantly in. This town we call St. Helens, some of you St HELLens, durp durp, is breaking me to pieces. And some people are going to read this and think something along the lines of "wow. Anthony is so dumb, why would he post something like this! he just looks like a total faggot!", Pat's going to say something along the lines of, Grow a pair!, the rest of you will pretend to sympathize because you don't really know me. That's ok. I just want an opinion.

Should I get my GED and free myself from this stress for a few years? Or should I "grow a pair". My mom and I talked over the cons and pros of this. Let's start with the cons. Bye bye medical school, hello real life. I'm going to have to get a job, pay rent, move out, and that's going to be quiiiite the change. And in the end, if I want to go to college, I'm going to be surrounded by pricks, creepers, the occasional friendly feller and people. Alllll over again. I might as well learn to deal with it now, right? Well, the pros to getting out of this mess is I will have a few years to ease up. A year or so to get a job and get paid so I can more easily get out of here. Time to freely figure out what I want to do that doesn't involve nursing or doctoring. Either way, I need to decide by this summer. Because if I don't know what I'm doing by next year, I'm probably not going to be going very far.


  1. I don't know you really at all, but from what you say, my opinion would be to not get you GED and stay in high school because no matter where you go for a job or even to get into college you have a better chance if you have a high school diploma. Now you could still do okay with a GED but of people i know of who have done that are struggling a lot with living arrangements and jobs, etc. So in the end its your choice but my opinion is go for the high school diploma.

  2. I think the best choice would be, as you said to 'grow a pair' and get through it, though I wouldn't usually phrase it like that. Try to see the bright side of things and maybe you'll end up happier. Try something new, get into a routine of something you like to do and keep it up, something to keep your mind going.

  3. What an interesting thought. I feel sort of the same way. What I would do is, get school over and done with, because you never know where you'll be in life later. You have the time, and people are veery willing to support you. You may not know what you want to be right now, but think of, after you graduate, how secure you'll feel with high school done with. You may not be ready to move onto the next thing(college) at that point, but you'll at least have that option. High school is miserable, I'm not going to lie. Think about it like it's getting your chores done. The more you put it off, the more you don't want to do it, and the better things you'll have to do. Just my thoughts.

  4. Hmmm well Tony what can I say? Well if I was you I would finish high school, cuse no matter how misserable it is, it is way better then having to get a job and all that other crap that comes with it. One thing you got to remember is that no matter how bad things may seem now they will always get better, and the first thing you gotta do to move towards that is to look on the bright side of things. I mean, hey we could all be zombies or starving children in africa, but thats kind of off topic. It's ok if you dont know what you want to be when you grow up. It sounds like you are a bit stressed about that. If you really dont know there is always time to figure it out later, so I would finish high school and deal with the crap because in the long run high school is just a very small part of life, and is just a part of growing up, we all have to learn how to deal with the crap. Stay strong Tony and if you ever need to talk to someone I will listen :)

  5. High school is going to be, most likely, the worst time in your life. It's supposed to be. The more you suffer now -- suffering here includes doing idiotic homework, kowtowing to foolish teachers and absurd rules, and putting up with, even working with, the scum of the universe -- the easier and better the rest of your life will be. But the catch is: there is no shortcut. You HAVE to finish the suffering now to get the good life after this. If you cut out now and have an easy time for the next few years, then you are setting yourself up to have a sucktastic life later on. It's a mistake. You must learn to enjoy the good things and hold those up against the bad, and let yourself enjoy things as much as you can. Just get through it, and your reward will come.

    That's what I says.


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