Friday, February 5, 2010

Class grade

Okay, I think this class, for the most part, was pretty good last semester. Meaning the subject and what we did in class, not the students. But I'm not gonna lie, I really hated the poetry unit. I'm not a big fan of discussing or reading poetry. And I don't think I can write poetry. It just doesn't work with me very well. So I'd give the class a B+ or an A-. I think the book projects were good. The book journal wasn't as great (kinda time consuming) but I'm sure it's good for us. So I won't complain.

The students in the class, however, weren't always the most respectful. So probably a B- would be fine. I think we did fairly well at discussing things, but sometimes I felt it got a little out of hand. And there's a lot of side conversations going on most of the time. But what do you expect, we're teenagers. And at least half of us were listening, even if we didn't look like it. I for one find it easier to pay attention when I'm not looking at whoever is talking. Usually I pick at my hair. Haha, yes, I get made of fun of for that one practically daily by my friends. When I look at the people talking, I usually get bored and start daydreaming. Or I start to fall asleep. Not that the person is boring, it's just hard to watch someone, you know? Sometimes, just to make the speaker feel all good inside, I'll watch them. But then my mind usually goes off on some tangent, and good luck getting me back when that happens.

As for what grade I think I deserve, I'd have to say an A. I did all my work, I tried to pay attention most of the time (sometimes it's just impossible to listen because my mind won't focus. I'm sure you all agree). I know I didn't always do the best job of participating in class discussions, but if I really had something important to say, I spoke up. So yeah, I think I'd give myself an A last semester.

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