Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Character, Setting, and Plot

When I start any sort of story, whether I write it or I read it, I want to know who the characters are, and I want to know where they are located. I also want the story to be interesting so the plot must be enjoyable. A good story cannot be told with out a good cast, a portrayed stage, and an interesting story. It would just be a lack luster tale with empty words with no person to fill or an empty landscape with no depth to it. Reading about a character is fun for me because I like to know how this person feels, how they think, and basically a little sense of how they look. I want to know where they are, it doesn't even have to be a real place it can be fiction, as long as there is a defined realm as to which they belong to then it's perfectly fine with me. The story line has to be interesting it has to be fun to read. So i guess my preferences don't really effect the types of books I read, but if the story is lacking good detail about character or setting then I normally wont finish the book. When I start to write something I have to know who my characters are and where they are going to be, I also have to have some sort of idea as to how I want the story to flow, how I want it to play out, and the rest comes in later as the story develops.

1 comment:

  1. Ya I can definately relate to that. Sometimes when I read it's like I start thinking like the character. I can get into their heads it's fun but sometimes if I read for a long time and then go to take a break I start thinking and speaking in a very detailed and often narrative way that pertains to the story I'm reading. It's so annoyingXD


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