Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hey you know that one movie with that guy in it? He played the other guy's best friend who marries the sister.

Hmmm lets see here my favorite movies of all time are Spirited Away, and Avatar. Spirited Away because it is the best anime movie I have ever seen and myself being an artist can see how much hard work has gone into every scene. The endless details that are taken for granted when you can see things with yours eyes and just film them have to be hand drawn into every scene. Avatar because if you have seen it in 3D I don't even have to tell you. It's just good.

The best one I have seen in the last couple months would have to be Inkheart

Best action scene would have to be from one of The Bourne movies cuse they are just awesome and crazy with all the action stuff.

Best romantic scene would have to be from either The Notebook or PS I Love You. I cried during both of them.

My favorite line is from the Breakfast Club when they are all sitting on the ground talking about their parents and Bender says to Andy "I think my dad and your dad should get together and go bowling." I love it because it's just so random and it's during such a heavy scene it makes me laugh every time.

Hmmmm I don't think I really have a guilty pleasure movie....hmmm well maybe Click cuse it's funny and even though I know what's going to happen I cry every time at the end...sigh...oh well what can u do?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I love Spirited Away!! It's absolutely wonderful, and I don't like anime, but it's not that anime-ish. But anyway, that's one of my favorites too!


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