Sunday, February 21, 2010

Movies- "it's not a movie, it's an EXPERIENCE"

My favorite movie of all time is oh man there's so many out there I adore but I guess my favorite would have to be Titanic.(Krystal we have to have a movie party sometime) I was like 3 when this came out and I got to watch it and I fell in love with it. Truthfully, though it's my fav movie, I've probably only seen it all the way through a handful of times because its just so damn sad. It's been years since I've watched it as a matter of fact but when I was little I bought the movie and pretended Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet's characters were my imaginary friends and I named my boston terrier Jack=] Although I'm not the shallow type of fan that obsesses and fantasizes over famous guys I know I'll never meet I do have a short list of male celebrities I find attractive and Leonardo Dicaprio is definately on that list. Can I get an Amen ladies? I think those two actors work well together and I admire their other work as well. I love this movie because it's so romantic and I am a total sucker for the romantic stuff. It's a beautiful love story. Ok before I start crying the best movie I've seen recently would by far be Avatar. I admit before I saw it I judged this movie and Rachael and I agreed it would be the stupidest movie ever to debut but then I saw James Cameron's name on it an d I was sold. I mean this guy is amazing at what he does! He made Titanic for crying out loud. So Rach and I went to see it her second time my first and though it was long as hell the colors and graphics were unreal! As rachael and I say "it's not a movie, it's an experience";-) Fav action movie oooo those are good um I'd have to say, no no I couldn't pick one. Fav romantic scene also tough but I can remember this more clearly. Pretty much the whole freaking Notebook movie or the part in Pride and Prejudice when they are walking towards each other in the field. That is an amazing movie. I don't quote movies that much. Guilty pleasure, I don't have one. I watch what I want and I'm not embarrassed of that. If you have a problem with it then oh well=]

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