Thursday, February 11, 2010

Twins - Will C.

This isn't one of the topics, but this is a blog, so I'm actually going to post something that's not required. I just kinda felt like explaining how me and Cole came to be. First, we need some background. The universe is in balance, and if it wasn't, everything would wither and die. This lasted for untold billions of years, until I was born. You see, I'm perfect in every way. The balance was thrown off. God saw this and so he acted. Cole was created to keep the universal homeostatis going. He was, quite simply, the by-product of me. Whereas I was handsome, smart, and totally awesome, all the bad traits went to Cole. The ugliness, sloth, stupidity, and general foulness was formed into a human, the universe's and dumping area. However, Nature is not everything. Nurture also plays a role. With my eternal mercy, I nursed Cole into some semblance of a respectable human, although his rough edges show sometimes. With such a great role model, it's no wonder he's made it this far. So please forgive Cole his arrogance, extreme vanity, and self-conceit, and just know that he is the only thing that is keeping my awesomeness from destroying the universe.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. That is spectacular. It explains so much, lol. How kind of you. I'm not going to lie, I'm glad that I don't have a twin. There's only so much awesomeness that the world can handle.

  2. Oh wow...well I'm glad you posted something on here that wasn't required :D


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