Monday, February 8, 2010

Elements of Fiction

I think setting, theme, and mood are all very descriptive of how I think, learn and act. I plan out my time depending on who will be there, I look for a reason to do things, and I tend to be very observant of other people's moods and the mood of a conversation.
When I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do, a lot of the time it will be very different of someone will be there compared to if I will be alone. If I were going to plan what I'm going to do tonight and knew I was going to be alone I might plan to do homework, read, draw, write or sew. These are all things I prefer to do alone. If I were going to plan something with someone I may plan to go out or see a movie, or maybe cook something.
I look for reasons to do things, as in theme, for most of what I do. They could be as simple as I want to try something new or I want someone to gain something from my actions. I do not, however, believe that everything I do has to benefit me. Sometimes I may go out of my way to do something which will help someone else. Sometimes I don't even thing about it and sometimes I have to think about it beforehand.
Mood is my strong point. I like making people happy and helping others. If I can tell that someone needs help usually I can find a way to try to fix it. Other people's moods affect me a lot. I can be perfectly happy then spend a lot of time with someone who is upset and end up having a bad day. This is not to say that unhappy people ruin my day, it's more so that I feed off what other people are feeling and care about it.

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