Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For me sports are a huge part of my life whether it be playing them or watching them., but it isn't quite life, sports are my escape from everything else, but they are also the last things on my to-do list and usually are the first things to go when i am doing too much. I have been involved in sports since i was 5. I think that professional sports though can be overrated, I like to watch football on TV and i like to watch professional sports but i hate all the super stars who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. I think that sports are better when they are recreational and are not very competitive. I don't think sports should be something that people have to do, because some people are good at sports and some people are not so if you want to play them then its your choice. I think schools should offer sports because it makes it easier for kids to do them and it keeps them from doing bad things after school. Sports are also a good social event and teamwork experiences for those who have the same passions. I love watching the Olympics because I like to see the variety of sports, I don't think they should of had the 2008 Olympics in Beijing because of how bad China was, and what people do are their own problems and they shouldn't be publicized, keep that information private. For myself I think sports should be a fun experience and not so competitive that it isn't fun anymore, because I have experienced both and i would take the fun goof off sports over the extremely competitive.

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